NEVER MIND I FOUND IT EVERYTHING IS OKAY NOW. (If you don't understand this little announcement, see the post below).

Can an old man be dilapidated? I'm not entirely sure. I'll ask Junior, I suppose. *Asks Junior*. He says, "Yes? They can be run down." THEN, he went on to say that you can have a slave old man with worn out knees and such, with something about support beams for arms? Sigh. Typical Junior answer.

So, nothing is really new! Junior, Thomas, Pop, and I went fishing yesterday. It was freezing for most of the day, and sunny for about an hour and a half around noon. Of course, it went back to being cold right after that. Pop and Thomas went down with the boat around eight or so, and Junior and I followed around ten. We were all out on the water until about two in the afternoon. None of us caught A THING. It was awful! Loads of fun, though. I think the only we hooked was the bottom.

OH! We got a couple of nibbles on our hooks, but no fish.

What did I do today, some may wonder? I went to work! With eleven and twelve years olds! It was wonderful! I can't believe I want to be a teacher. Kids screaming at each other, complaining about doing their work (even if all they have to do is draw a picture)... But all of that is just dandy! I like working with kids. One benefit? We, the teachers/teachers' aides get to have some fun too. For example, today, we got to see a French opera. Cool? I think so. Also, next month, we're having a school-wide picnic. I LOVE PICNICS. I'm so excited!

Gah, I think this is enough from me today. I'm getting sick and I can hardly stand up as it is. Typing is just one thing that I don't want to worry about right now. Until next time!

- Bre :)

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