... And that must be how anyone who reads this feels. I'd apologize but I'm not sorry! Hehe! Junior and I are busy people so, sometimes, we don't have time to do this. Right now, Sandra and Robyn are over and Junior is talking to them about artsy fartsy stuff, so this is when I take my leave. To the blog!

First of all, happy new year everyone! I hope 2011 was good to you all, and I hope 2012 doesn't bring about the end of the world! I'm sure we all like living?

Last night, Junior and I watched the Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring and the first half of the Two Towers. Sadly, we couldn't finish the second half because it was 2 in the morning! I was devastated. I love LOTR. Like, at one point, I silenced Junior so that I could hear Aragorn speak. Don't mess with my LOTR. Seriously. We also polished off a large pizza and a half, several bottles of water, a 2L bottle of cream soda (that one was all Junior), and a little bit of chocolate.

Gunner was scared all night because of the fireworks that were going off. He's a scaredy cat. He curled up on the couch with Junior and I and he lay down on my stomach.

OH MY GOSH! THIS IS THE FIRST BLOG OF 2012! We don't have any New Year's resolutions! Gah!

Today, I woke up really late... And stayed in bed even longer. I got a shower. Umm... Thomas tore out the stairs so I was stranded downstairs for about an hour? Fun times. I tried to play the Wii but it didn't work. Why? Someone had played on my Mario account a while ago so I had to start over. I'm sick of starting over. Then! The My Sims Kingdom game wouldn't work. Why? I DON'T EVEN KNOW. I gave up.

This afternoon, I hung out with Junior. We just chilled. For supper, Mom and co. and I went to Thomas' cousins' house for supper. It was nice. This evening, Cody, Gladdale, Sandra, Robyn, Junior, and I hung out at Junior's house. Sandra, Robyn, Junior, and I are left. It's nice. :)

I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to go now.. Happy 2012 everyone! :)