Waldon here, and I'd just like to say that I'm scared.

I have no idea what I'm scared of, but it's true. I think I'm one of those guys that are so scared, that they don't even realize that they're scared until later. This is my later. Like, I look around and I start looking behind me, listening really hard, smelling deeply, doing everything I can to understand everything! I wonder what I did to scare myself into this?

Ah well. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! A bit late in the blog, I know.

I went out trick or treating with Bre tonight. We went along with her brother and sister. I'm ashamed to admit that I cannot remember their ages. I'm sorry Bre, please forgive me. It's come as a great disappointment to me, but this year I have officially announced my Halloween retirement. I've finally become too large to trick or treat. I'll admit that not shaving was probably a bad idea for this particular night. I stood in front of the door, and I eclipsed the kids standing in front of me, AND the people in the doorway. It was a jarring slap in the face from reality. I've enjoyed you Halloween. I'll miss you. How I wish I could taste your candy corn. . .  just one last time.

I didn't even get to use my mask that I worked on for Halloween. It was too scary and I know that it would have scared Bre's siblings. It was called "the Elephant Man". Somebody said something about a movie called Trick or Treat? Anybody know what it is? I don't watch television or movies. It was a burlap sack on my head with gory eye sockets and I had a noose around my neck. I added a large stitched mouth to it later.

After trick or treating, we went back to Bre's house for a little while and watched "Scary Movie". Loved it. She also gave me some of her chocolate cake. I don't think she realizes how much that means to a diabetic. :P It's like being offered the fruit of Eden by a female god without repercussions.

Anyways, I'll be off now.  Good night, whomever reads this.
As Junior said, we had our High School Halloween dance last night and it was great. Everyone in the gym was dancing near the speakers so, as one would expect, the music was really loud. My ears have been ringing since I walked out of the school. They’re ringing now and it’s simply maddening. Please... Stop.. The... Ringing...

Since starting high school, I haven’t really gone to many dances. Sure, I’ll go to the semi-formal one at Christmas (the Snowball) because it’s Christmas and I get to wear a dress, but other than that, I don’t go. The other day, after saying that I wasn’t sure if I was going to the Halloween dance last night, Nikita and Junior made a good point. It’s our last year, so we might as well go to all of the dances. I thought, "Well jeepers, Breanna. That’s so true," and I went. I’m really glad I did too. Loud pop music, bad dancers, awkward slow songs. Gosh, I love high school.

Today was slow. I woke up at 10:30 and when I walked up the stairs, Mom laughed and said that I looked hung-over. Naturally, I was too groggy to respond with a well though-out sentence, so it just emphasized her point, haha. I ate cereal and carrot cake for breakfast (ah, how I love that meal) then sat and watched some Scooby Doo. The new movie, Scooby Doo and the Curse of the Lake Monster came on Teletoon tonight! It was pretty darn good. I love Scooby Doo! Anybody with any love of the classics should love it.

This afternoon, Britt and I went to Junior’s and hung out with he and Scottie for a bit. Junior fed my Harvest Moon addiction by letting me play for an hour or so. Ah, Harvest Moon. How I love thee.

Oh! Britt has been asking about how to bring about a zombie apocalypse. If anyone knows, please, do tell.

And so. Here I am again, sitting alone in my room on a Saturday night, blogging and talking to Junior on MSN. Gosh, I need a hobby. Well, I’ve been reading Dracula for school and I’m really enjoying it. I’m about one fifth of the way through it now. It’s quite dark and creepy, so it makes for a lovely bedtime story. Reading Jonathan Harker’s journals sends shivers down my spine. Count Dracula, as Nikita would say, "is a pretty bad dude." (God love her!)

Anywho, that’s it for me. I’m going to go read some Dracula and have the crap scared out of me before I go to bed. Ah, what a life I lead. Good night to all!

- Bre :)
Waldon here. I just got back from our High School Halloween dance. It was fun, I haven't had such a good time in forever.

I won the prize for most "Serious" costume at our school. According to popular belief I was dressed up as "Elephant Man". I have no idea who this guy IS. All I know is that I made a noose, a burlap sack head, gory eye sockets and hand restraints. I don't know who that IS.

So a little later, I went to the dance. My friend Brandon had a cross on at the dance and I pulled on it by accident when he leaned back while I was looking at it. I felt something give way. In surprise, I looked down. In my hands I held the cross with a fully intact loop for the string on top. So of course, I quickly reasoned that this means that I snapped his string instead. I looked up, an apology quick on my lips. . . and stopped cold. The string was intact. The loop was intact. HOW? Of course, this warranted another visit to the dance floor to clean my mind of such traitorous thoughts that were flying through my head.

Turns out that there was a smaller metal loop that bends that fell off when I pulled. Go figure.

After another hour or so, it was time for us all to go, sadly. So Brandon and I started walking home. His house is rather close to mine, so we walked together for part of the way. I kept him laughing, I'm proud to say. Although, as time does, time passed and soon we parted. I walked the lonely road back to my house. There was a light rain overhead and it was nearly midnight. I was walking slowly through puddles and rivulets of dirty water. Thoughts came unbidden and unwanted. Parasitic emotions draining off the happiness of the night.

So of course, I have to be like every other angst filled emo kid in the world and blog about it. Anyways. Good night, everybody who reads this. Or, Good morning would be more appropriate, as it is now close to 1 am.
I have been wanting to watch the School of Rock for AGES now. I haven’t seen it in forever. That movie was one of the greatest I’ve ever seen. Now, mind you, I haven’t seen too many movies, but it was great nonetheless. I actually enjoy really stupid comedies. For example, Hot Rod. I thought that was hilarious. Napoleon Dynamite? Absolute genius. There’s just something about a stupid comedy that I love. Tina the llama is intense.

Our Macbeth Scene Performance movie turned out all right. Russell, Ryan, Vlad, Jordan and I all went to Ryan’s last night and filmed it. It. Was. Great. Ryan played King Duncan (who was to be killed by Macbeth, played by Russell), and before he was "killed," he fell off the bed in a fit of laughter. Silly Ryan. Vlad played Banquo and did an EXCELLENT job. Jordan was our intense tech guy. He’s a wiz! I played the voice of the dagger (yeah, we gave the dagger a voice. Genius, genius writers we are) and Lady Macbeth. I got to get mad at Russell for being an idiot. Teehee, love him to death. We were at Ryan’s for about 4 hours. He supplied supper (PIZZA!). His brother, Jonah, and his brother’s friend, Dylan, helped us too. They also did a good job! It was much appreciated.

We had it done for today! But... Nobody else did. (TT) Jordan was trying to add some music, and we told him it was okay without any, then Mr. Crane said that we would just move on today and present the performances tomorrow.

Oh, Mr. Crane. How awesome thou art. He is one of the most sarcastic people I’ve ever had the chance to meet. A wonderful English teacher, he’s helping me find a love of English class. I’ve never been fond of analyzing and re-analyzing a piece of literature, but he’s making it kind of.. Fun for me. I’m slowly getting used to answering his questions in class, though. Because we have so few people, it takes less time to go around the room with questions, so I could get called on anytime. Mr. Crane is amazing. End. Of. Story.

I guess that’s it for now. I’ll leave you with the thought that Junior is valiantly suffering through some more Math work while I goof off and do nothing. How great is life? Appreciate it.

- Bre :)

Don't get me wrong, when I have a nice, restful night's sleep with pleasant dreams or even just a nice warm waking up, I am the happiest boy in the world. It feels like I was  born anew.  But lately I have not been having said nights. For the past 2 months or so, I've been having nightmares almost nightly. I can only remember  what they are every once in a while though. Still leaves me feeling like crap in the morning.

Yesterday, I ate cheeseburger flavored Doritos. Yes. CHEESEBURGER flavored. They were possibly the best tasting chips I've ever eaten. They tasted like real burger. It takes dedication to your product for something of that quality. Bless ye Doritos. Bless ye.

I had a math test last week and after coming home, reviewing the test, and analyzing my answers, I realized something. The questions I guessed were more frequently correct than the answers I worked on. On the 7 I guessed, 6 were right, because one didn't have a letter. Out of the other 8 questions that I worked on, only 3 were correct. This sends a message that I'm not entirely sure that I approve of. It seems that I have a better gut instinct than a brain. I think I'm an animal. Pet me, see if I purr.

Anyways, I'm tired and sore. So I'm not going to drag this on like my last
Britt and I were singing the Power Rangers in Space theme song. Because we’re just that awesome. We were also discussing the use of our facial cream.

Britt: How do you use it?
Me: Well, you just put it on your face like a normal cream.
Britt: Oh. That’s boring. *walks away*
Me: Well then, how does this sound. You stick it up the left side of your nose, squeeze as hard as you can and wait until it comes out the other side. Then, you wipe it all over your face like a booger.
Britt: That sounds WAY more exciting!

Well then. I love my sister. I don’t know how else to put it, haha.

I don’t know how I’m making time to do this. I have a Macbeth in-class essay to study for, a Pre-cal test studied for (that I’ll review again in World Religion), and a mini History quiz studied for. THEN, tomorrow, we have to all get together for our Macbeth scene performance. On Wednesday, I have a French quiz and the performance is due. Ick. What a busy two days.

Oh. Mole Day was celebrated today with loads of bad Chemistry puns and food. It was great.

I realize this is very short, and not quite as serious as Junior’s post, but I’m leaving it here. Stupid essay test is going to keep me up all night.

- Bre :)
So, over the past few days I've been in a very introspective frame of mind. My thoughts are always incoherent and potentially unstable at the best of times, but lately I've been deep into the thought of religion. I've read and reread the new testament, part of the Koran and even the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) from the Taoist belief. Sadly, the latter text was translated and I'm afraid most it was lost in translation. I found myself relating to points in all three texts. Kindness towards the fellow man, humility and compassion. Offering ourselves to the world, the greater, to see what we can within this short life.

From what I've studied (I can just tell that this blog will probably be controversial) our relationship with nature, as mankind as a whole, has deteriorated to an almost token amount. We've stopped looking around and actually SEEING things. People never stop to look at what is around them anymore. I never see anybody drive slowly because they can. They want to drive fast and hard. Going to the very extent of the speed limit because they can. Get to where they're going as quickly as possible. When has slowing down life and learning to relax without a time frame become so unfashionable? When has "Fun" meant danger and risk? Is it love to let the people we love do that?

We all think of ourselves as important. It's inevitable. We see from behind our own eyes, not another person's.  Our life is a first person view of our own series of emotional paintings. The colors are decided by our feelings and the brush and stroke found with our minds and souls.

There are religions from all over the world preaching about what way is the true way. What way will lead us to the right end. There is nothing that teaches itself to us because of what is right NOW. Heaven. Onefulness with nature. Nirvana. There will always be a reason to act good for a reward. But there is no reason to act good because of the deed itself. To practice Altruism as an art, instead of an institution.

Life is like an art as fine as music. Music lets us show ideas, fancies, or even just our whims. It can carry on for generations. Something we wrote and performed for our own benefit can benefit the world for generations to come. Why says there cannot be some compromise between humility and reward? Altruism and self benefit? I guess there are no absolutes in life.

But I think we can find what we need to understand around us. Deux ex machina. "God in the machine". What is to say that there isn't something guiding us? Punishing us? Blessing us? What is to say there IS something doing this? I have found nothing to prove or disprove it. I hope that someday, somebody will be able to tell me what to believe. What I should follow. Even if it just them. Just one person. I would prefer that. Maybe as the Taoists believe, everything has a soul.

Now, sorry for that rant. But I believe I'll leave this alone for now. This is enough for people to think about anyways, I hope. Maybe I got somebody thinking.

Now, off I go to contemplate the world, offer a prayer to whatever is up there or around me and try to feel the rhythm of things, yeah? I'm sure if I get it wrong, some God will forgive me.

Happy Mole Day everyone! For those who don’t know, the mole is a measurement in Chemistry. No, I’m not talking about the cute little animal. I’m talking about six-point-oh-two times ten-to-the-twenty-three. Lovely, lovely number. (6 02 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 is a BIG number). It’s basically the number of particles in a set amount of a substance. Basically.

So, here I am, chilling at Dad’s, listening to music. Junior walked me home a while ago (quite a while ago now, actually) and now here I am. Blogging on a Saturday night. I haven’t anything else to do, so why not? This weekend has already been messed up enough as it is. I ended up tutoring yesterday, even though we didn’t have school, because their mom asked me to. I can’t say no! It went really well though.

THEN, I was going to go to Junior’s with Cody last night when Cody said that he was going to do something else. Pfft. Oh well. I had fun anyway! Today was a REALLY lazy day. I watched so much tv my eyes hurt. This afternoon was more productive though. I didn’t have anything better to do, so I took a nap. (^^) It was great. Naps are so refreshing! Turn on some relaxing music, cuddle up in a blanket, and you’re good to go. I was asleep for an hour. It’s always like waking up in the future, you know? Everything changes so much in that time, I’m always confused when I wake up, haha.

Okay. Junior recommended a great band to me a couple of weeks ago and now I just can’t stop listening to them. Poets of the Fall. Look them up. They have some beautiful music. He downloaded several of their albums (Carnival of Rust, Twilight Theater among them) and I can’t get over how good they are. If you enjoy Alternative Rock, CHECK THEM OUT. :D

Enough of my rambling for now. I have to check the webcomics that I haven’t checked for weeks.

- Bre :)

Ps. Remember, POETS OF THE FALL.

I'll have to make this short and sweet.

I forgot about the blog. I don't know what Bre was doing tonight after we were hanging out, but that poor girl is worked to the bone with all of her studies and schoolwork. Tutoring on top of that. I wouldn't be able to come close to the amount of effort that woman has for her schooling.

It's getting very late, and I still need to finish my English assignment for tomorrow. I hope I can get it finished. I need to translate a scene from old English into modern prose.

So, without further delay. Good night world, and hopefully you'll sleep better than I have over the past few months. Nightmares are horrible things. Sweet dreams to the filthy masses, yeah?
Okay, here’s a question for you: If this isn’t the real world, then what is it that we live in? Are we living in a fake reality in which nothing is as it seems? Or is life truly a stage and everyone is simply a player?

It’s extremely bothersome when someone tells me that life is so much different in the "real world." I really don’t know what to think about it anymore. I’ve heard it so often lately, it doesn’t even phase me anymore. I try not to think of it.

Things have simmered down a bit at school. Just a bit. I have like, four things to do in the first three days of school next week. I don’t remember what they are, though. Oh well. I’m sure I’ll remember by then. Like Junior said, we had a Math test yesterday. Because I’m in Pre-cal, I got my mark back last period today (Math will be third period Monday). I got 97% because I forgot a negative sign. Pfft. Like a submarine can’t fly. Junior could TOTALLY make it fly.

Speaking of Junior, I have NO IDEA WHERE HE IS TONIGHT. I’m usually talking to him a half a dozen times, but tonight has been weird. I haven’t gotten a text/texted him, messaged him on MSN, talked to him on the phone - NOTHING. Where is he...? I hope he isn’t out gallivanting around town, wreaking havoc on innocent bystanders (<– I like that sentence). While he’s been MIA, I was at Cody’s house. I text him and asked him to pick up some ice cream, and he did! So, at 9, we sat down and ate a litre of neopolitan ice cream between us. Needless to say, I’m sick at the moment.

On top of that (!) I’ve slept like crap all week. I’m so glad we have tomorrow off. I’ll be able to TRY to sleep a bit. But I have to tutor at one. Gosh. I’m too nice. (I don’t mind though. They’re right sweet). Anywho. This is where this ends. I hope I find Junior sometime tonight? I’m almost worried about the man.

- Bre :)