Hey! Bre here. Tonight's title comes from a favourite song of mine, "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. To be honest, it's the only song by him that I've ever heard. I've never bothered to look up any others. So, why choose this lyric? Because I had a bad day, obviously. Well, it wasn't all bad. It just started horribly. It all started when I woke up . . .

I woke up with my alarm as usual and stayed in bed for a while. Again, I didn't sleep well. Three or four bad sleeps in a row is enough to set me on edge for days. After my shower, I wasn't fit to look at. On top of not sleeping well, I have been having crippling headaches and I've injured my wrist. None of this waes helping my mood. Before I left, Mom gave me some Aleve for the pain and told me to take some Ibuprofen at lunch if it wasn't better. It wasn't better. But I didn't take anything because nothing was working.

So, school. Nothing terribly exciting went on. I got a Math assignment (due Wednesday). I have a Psych test on Thursday, a Chem test on Friday, and an English essay due next Thursday. We were going to have our Physics test today but that got changed (AGAIN) to Wednesday. It WAS last Friday, but it was moved to today. When we all went in to write it today (I was completely ready! I did my assignment and everything to study, and I was ready to ask Ranjan about the last question!) I was the only one that was aware that the most recent assignment would be on the test. Wow. Ranjan just smiled at me and said that the test would be on Wednesday. GAH.

This afternoon was long. It dragged on. I got home, ate supper, then started at my Math. I got most of it done, left out what I was stuck on, and moved on to my Physics. I finished my last question, then did some Chem organizing. Now, it's twenty to ten and I'm exhausted. At the moment I'm talking to Junior on the phone, sort of helping him with his Math, but he's not really doing much Math. :P

And I'm done. (><)  Good night!

- Bre :)

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