Hello denizens of the internet. I am Waldon. I bear greetings from the world beyond the screen!

No, really though. This is my first time typing a blog for this website and I admit, it's a little intimidating. I'm not used to typing to people. It feels like I'm supposed to be writing a narrative for English class. Not discussing life and politics and whatnot. xD There is a disturbance in The Force.

So . . . Onto my existence!

Today was a busy day for me, oddly. I started off my day regularly. Waking up, going to school, that sort of thing. But at lunch time today, I was working the canteen with Bre, and our "boss" tells me, out of nowhere, that today will be pizza day.
I hate pizza day.
Its filled with screaming smelly kids with overpowering hormones trying to get their grubby little hands on as much food as possible. I had thought I had escaped that horrid day when Bre and I started this year. We worked it last year, every week. So we thought we were done with it. Wrong. We STILL had to do it.

On the bright side, I did NOT have math homework tonight, and that is a monumental occasion for me. As you may have gathered- Math hurts me. Like garlic to vampires, silver to werewolves, fire to witches and facial expressions to Clint Eastwood, math hurts me.

I also drew a funny little person today. I call him Stachee (Stache-ay) for now. : D Needless to say, Stachee immediately grew an enormous fanbase and I was asked to scan a picture of him on my computer. So I tried, and as it always has, my scanner took the picture and mutilated it with its horrible rendering.

I also had Dance class tonight, that was fun. I love dance, actually. Although we only had 4 guys in the group of about 14? It was pretty rough for a while until we figured to divide the girls among the guys for the evening. Which led to my next revelation . . .

I am out of shape.

Not a single one of those girls could possibly have weighed more than 130 pounds, at max. I could not lift a single one of them above my head! I'm so ashamed of myself right now. I will soon be engaging myself in exercise to rectify the situation.

That will be all! Return to your stations! Ha. I'm a silly person.

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