We had a Chemistry test today. It was brutal. Absolutely. Brutal. It was last period of the day and we were all unsuspecting victims of the killer test that was in front of us. At 2:20, we sat down to write it. At 3:26, ten minutes after the bell rang, the test was taken from us. The look that Sam gave me when Mr. Rumbolt took the test from us spoke volumes. Daniel, Sam, Sandra, and I left the class right away. When we got out in the hall, we agreed that it was THE hardest test that any of us had ever written. About 30 seconds later, the rest of the class came out. Cody looked mortified. He thought it was hard too. When Cody says it’s difficult, then it’s difficult. None of us are feeling too good about the results. Oh well. Mr. Rumbolt is just preparing us for the worst.

Luckily, Daniel is a sweetheart. He brought Sam and I home. :)

Other than that, nothing much is happening. Junior and I are totally swamped with work. We have a research paper due in, oh, about two weeks, and I still need a topic. Argh. At least Junior has one! I have to find one fast.. It takes me ages to do anything.

And speaking of Junior, I’m talking to him now! He makes my day. He always has something odd to cheer me up. Like kidney splosions. Oh my. Kidney splosions. Junior drew a picture that illustrates a kidney splosion quite nicely. It’s an awful disease that strikes when it’s least expected. The victim never sees it coming- EVER. That might be because your kidneys are closer to your back, but hey. There are no symptoms and by the time someone knows that they have it, BAM, their kidneys splode and it’s too late. Junior and I are thinking of making kidney splosion awareness t-shirts. It would really bring some attention to this obscure, but serious, disease. So, be kidney splosion aware, and take care of yourself. Because you never know when it could happen.

Speaking of not knowing what can happen, Junior and I went to the Math Help Centre today for lunch. I love that place. I studied Chem while Junior did some Math. We talked to Sandra and Robyn about a bunch of stuff. I love those girls! They’re so amazing, it’s unbelievable. Robyn was drawing and Sandra was doing some interpretive dance. She was dancing about hair growth. It was beautiful. Very.. Interpretive. :D

I suppose that’s all for tonight.

Now, in the words of William Shakespeare, "Exit, pursued by a bear."

- Bre :)

P.S. Please note, kidney splosions were made up by Junior and I. Sort of. More Junior than I. That is all.

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