Ah, Wallace. I love you. So, if nobody has recognized this quote, you should all go out and read the Scott Pilgrim series. It’s GENIUS. Junior got them for his birthday and has read the first five (I think he said there are six). Today, I finished the fourth. I’m loving them! They’re hilarious. Wallace is Scott’s gay roommate, and he’s absolutely priceless. I just have to giggle at him! Oh, if you don’t like to read, go rent the movie. Or buy it. Whatever tickles your fancy. I’d buy it, personally. I watched it on New Year’s with Scottie and Junior. It. Was. Great. :|

Okie dokie. I don’t think I’m going to write much tonight. I’m really tired. I’m such a slacker. I’m so sorry! Junior has been filling in for me… Because I’m a SLACKER. ARGH. I need to fix this problem. The only good thing about not doing the blog last night is that I won’t have to do it on Thursday. Thursday… *shudder*. I think I’ll let Junior explain that one. Let’s just leave it at this: I wish it would skip from Wednesday to Friday.

Today was all right. It was a delayed opening Monday, so Junior picked me up at our usual time and we hung out for an hour or so at his house before going to school. It was nice! I sat down and read the third Scott Pilgrim book. It was glorious! Umm… Here’s my school day in jot note form! Because I’m lazy!

-          First period Chem. Cool beans. Reviewed for test with Sandra.

-          Second period English. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Mr. Crane is incredible. Junior thinks that I have an unhealthy obsession. Am I unhealthily obsessed with my English teacher? No. I am not. We got the Catcher in the Rye and we’re starting it tomorrow. I read that book a couple of years ago and LOVED it.

-          Third period History. Did a question as a group. Fun stuff!

-          Lunch time! Went to the Math Help Centre with Junior. We chatted with Robyn and Sandra. I LOVE THEM. :)

-          Fourth period Religion. LOVED IT. Read the fourth book of Scott Pilgrim and talked to Scottie.

-          Fifth period Pre-cal. Cool. Mr. Lawrence is SO smart. :S

-          After school. Tutoring for an hour or so!

After tutoring, Junior picked me up. He brought Gunner along for the ride! I love Gunner.  I told Junior that Gunner was really my main man. I don’t know how he took that, haha. When I arrived at the house, I talked to everyone, did some homework, ate, then walked up the road to Lisa’s house for tutoring again. We chilled for two hours, talked a bit, and studied Chemistry. We were learning about Intermolecular Forces! Awesome stuff right there. I left at 8:35 or so, and walked back here. I nearly peed myself I was so scared! Next time, I think I’ll accept a ride.

Other than all that, I haven’t done too much. I lay down with Mom for a bit and watched some tv. Now I need to go to bed… Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here. I'd like to take this post to show my feelings on having an excess of testosterone.

An excess you say? How can you have an excess? It's not like it's a bad thing!

Well, there my friends, you're wrong. Puberty was a sign not of growing into adulthood for me, but a sign that soon, a life of sweat, blood and awkward growth was about to begin. To this day, I have a ridiculous number of muscle pains and growth spurts. I've been growing since grade 7. As many know, I'm graduating soon. That's almost 5 years of growth. That is NOT normal (Thank you Diabetes.). I'm also expected to keep growing until I'm 21.

I can't even get a tattoo until then unless it's on my chest. It's the only thing not expected to grow much more. For your information, I'm 40 inches or so around the chest and 24 inches across the shoulders. I don't think I CAN get much larger. :P

I've got bone structure problems because the rest of my body hasn't caught up to my growing skeleton... The only plus side to this whole load of testosterone is that now I have strong muscles. That's good for work. :P

Now. Onto my day.

Nothing happened all morning. Well... I drove down to pick up Bre. That's really the only interesting thing. Lunch time I was at the Math Help Center again. I love going there. It's got a bunch of people that I love talking to. Sandra, Robyn, Bre, Sam, Lissa... Then I had nutrition and math. I spent all math reading Lord of the Rings again. Exciting.

Then I drove Bre to pick up HER truck, followed her when she was driving to her house, and then we hung out for a little while.

She came over after supper after I ran a few errands, and we just relaxed, read and talked for a few hours. It was a wonderful evening. There is NOTHING I like more than relaxing with close friends.

So, it's now MIDNIGHT just as I typed this. Sooo..... Good night!
Junior JUST said that to me. I take it that the fact that I love the Lord of the Rings is a good thing? This evening, we were actually talking about how I like LOTR because, while we were hanging out last night, we were watching the Return of the King. Naturally, Junior and I were chatting throughout the movie. Every couple of sentences, I would say something like “Oh wait! This is just before Aragorn…” or “Just wait until you see those oliphants!” ( I apologize if I spelt “Oliphant” incorrectly)! He loved it. Apparently it gives a guy “guy cred” if his girlfriend likes LOTR. Cool beans. I can handle that. I told him tonight that he wouldn’t be getting as much attention if we were watching LOTR again. Poor feller.

I also realize that I’m probably making not much … Probably not making much sense right now, because I’m exhausted. Many apologies to whomsoever may read this!

So, today. Today I woke up at around 7:30 and went back to sleep because I realized the time. I’m not getting out of bed that early on a Saturday morning after a rough week in school for NO reason. I woke up later at around 9 ish. I got up, got some of Mom’s macaroni and cheese for breakfast, got a shower, and then played on my iPod with Bryton for a while. We found an app that we could use to make zombies. It’s great! After all of that, I went upstairs with my Chemistry to study and watch tv. I’ve just had such an off day that I sat in my pajamas and studied and watched tv. Oh! I also cuddled with Bryton while watching Jimmy Two Shoes on Teletoon. It was great!

Tonight, I brought Brooke to her friend’s house shortly after six, and picked up Bryton’s friend. Bryton came along for the ride. I then brought he and his friend home for their sleepover. They’re currently upstairs asleep while I do my Saturday night blogging/talking to Junior. I got them home safe and sound and proceeded to Junior’s. We spent part of the night talking and watching the news. Then we spent another part listening to music and talking. The last part of the night we just spent talking. Shortly after 10, Mom called and asked me to pick up Brooke because she wanted to go home. I know exactly how she felt. I never did enjoy sleepovers. I’ve always preferred my own bed, my own blankets, my own pillows, my own sheets, and my Dudley the Dragon to sleep with.

Yeah, that’s right. I sleep with my Dudley the Dragon. EVERY night. Why? Because I love him, that’s why. When I wake up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream and I can’t get to sleep, who can I talk to? Nobody. That’s where Dudley comes in. When I wake up because of a bad dream, I can just cuddle into him and go right back to sleep. So THERE. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And on that note, I think I’m going to bed. I can’t keep my head up for much longer. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, and I'm really too tired to make much sense tonight. Or write a long blog for that matter. But I'll try, I promise.

Over the past 2 days I've been reading the Siddartha. It's the story of the Buddha (sort of). I've never been so relaxed by a book before, nor have I ever been able to so easily understand the reasoning behind what the character is wondering.

Seriously though. I'm really tired. I'm not going to be able to post too much more before I fall asleep. >.< I woke up about 4 hours early this morning after my insulin pump came disconnected and pulled off my body. Normally, that's unpleasant all on it's own. But today it pulled out just far enough while I was sleeping for the tube to come out and start jabbing me. It's a horrible feeling to have a lifeline come out. Contrary to logic, after having my tube loosened and free, my blood sugar level was low. O.o So I had something to eat ( I can't even remember what) and went back to bed.

Not that it did much good. I ended up just dozing for about 4 hours. >.<

So, Then I sat around all morning because Bre didn't want to hang out. I picked her up, we then went to school and did all that good stuff. Except for lunch. That was kind of crappy. Bre was working canteen and I didn't know. So I spent about 15 minutes looking for her because nobody bothered telling me, then spent the rest of lunch tooling around trying to find somebody to hang out with.

I'm really tired. Like... REALLY TIRED. So, good night all!
Waldon here, and Bre offers her most sincere apologies to everybody who misses her blogs, she has been out sick the last few days, and she's been too tired to blog. So, I'm filling in for her, (Despite tonight being my night whether she missed a day or not. >.>)

Again, she's sincerely sorry. :)

About the title,

I will cut you if you don't know where this title is from. It's one of the most amazing movies of my childhood. One hint; It's from Disney. I will tell you no more than that. If you don't know it, go and buy/rent every single Disney movie and watch them.

Okay, so this morning (yesterday) I woke up a little bit late, since I had to be at school by 9 30 for my theatre practice. I was actually supposed to be up by 8 since I had to pick up a friend and bring him too, but it was 8 40 by the time I got there. I seem to be disappointing quite a few people lately. >.<

We were missing two of our performers, so we had to cut it short and I was done by 11. I texted Bre and all that, and then Scottie and I took gunner for a walk out in the woods. Bre couldn't go, because she had to bake a cake for her Nan's birthday.

Happy Birthday! "____" ( I'm not naming her on the internet.)

Scottie and I then went out on skidoo and went to a boil up that a couple friends were having. We fried up some bacon (Burnt) and toast (Burnt) and some bologna (Actually pretty good). I came home around 4 40.

Then I had some Pizza for supper, it was great. :P

After supper I curled up on my couch and played some more Fallout New Vegas. I'm an addict. But on the plus side, I'm an amazing Fallout player. B'). After several hours too many, I stopped playing and started reading a few different books. One book of poetry called "Renascent and other Poetry" and the Siddartha. xD Aren't I just the regular 18 year old Male?

Around 10, Bre came over and we hung out for a bit. She left around 11 45 or so, and I've been here since. We were talking a few minutes ago and she suggested that we don't text as much anymore. >.< Now, I suppose I'll have a lot more free time and loneliness. Oh well... If that's what she wants, who am I to deny her that, at least?

Now, I'm done. So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stare at my phone and make myself remember why it's not ringing. :P
Now, isn’t that adorable? My brother said that (the title) to me when I told him that Junior was coming down this afternoon. I’ve been sick since Monday and out of school yesterday and today. It’s quite unfortunate. I miss going to school… I don’t know what happens in the world if I don’t go to school! Anywho. I have a Math test tomorrow that I’m going in for. It’s third period, so it’s a strange time to just walk in, write the test, and leave. SO! I’m going all day. If I don’t pass out. Junior was kind enough to break into my locker (not really break in- he had my combination) and get my Math stuff for me. Because he didn’t have drama this afternoon, he was able to bring down my books for me right after school. Bryton was in tub when I walked into the bathroom and told him about Junior. He giggled a bit and said (the title). I just had to laugh – it was SO cute.

Junior came down today and only stayed for a few minutes. He didn’t even take off his coat! As you can probably tell, cuddle me he did NOT. It wasn’t that he’s afraid of catching my germs – he told me he didn’t mind them – it was that he just DIDN’T. Why? I don’t know. Ask him that. I wasn’t too pleased. I wanted a little bit of love. No love for me, I suppose… :(

Teehee. Poor Junior. I don’t understand why he puts up with me. He had to go home because nobody actually knew where he was this afternoon. I can pardon him for that, I suppose. 

Nothing has really happened the past two days. I’ve been home on the couch, sick. Well… I finished A Matter of Honor last night, and I finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was oh-so-tempting to change my Facebook status to “Breanna Elizabeth is preparing herself for the third task of the Triwizard Tournament. The Stunning spell is learned – on to some hexes. Wish me luck!”  Other than that, I’ve been just sitting here, nose running, head pounding, back aching, vision swimming – for the past two days.

Okay. Sorry, but I’m done now. Junior sent me a link to a Cracked.com article about Donald Duck, so I’m checking out Cracked.com now. Good night, and this might be better when I’m better?

-Bre :)

P.S. Do yourself a favour, and check this out:


You won’t regret it. Honest.

How do I know this? Yesterday morning, Junior brought me two large packs of Skittles. Not one small pack – TWO LARGE PACKS. He really knows how to support my addictions. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. Well, minus the awful mood I was in until lunch time. The past few days, I have been so emotionally unstable I don’t know how Junior puts up with me. I really don’t know what he sees in me, to be honest. (><)

Aside from my awful mood, I’ve been okay. Vlad gave me a little pack of Tropical Skittles today in English and told me they were for yesterday’s bad mood, and that he has an emergency pack of Skittles in case I get in another bad mood anytime soon. My friends are so darn sweet. I don’t deserve them at all. This afternoon, Sam, Junior, and I all ate the pack of Skittles on the way home from school. It was lovely. Sam is the bee’s knees, I must admit. He’s hilarious! Junior? Junior’s pretty darn nice himself. I can’t complain.

Okay, ah, school today… Hmmm… What happened at school today? Nothing, really. My French quiz was postponed until tomorrow because my teacher was sick, I passed in my Chem lab second period… OH! Mr. Crane was out today, so we had a substitute for English. We “watched” a version of Antigone. By “watched,”  I mean people were texting, playing on their iPods, sleeping, talking, reading a book (me!) or playing Civilization V on their computer (Ryan). Ryan played A LOT of Civ V today. I enjoyed watching him play. At lunch, there was a Eurotrip meeting. We picked out jackets to order for the group, decided to do an Easter basket (similar to the Christmas basket we did… But for Easter) to raise some money, started thinking about roommates, and discussed the school recycling. Other than that, the afternoon was slow in History and Religion.

The school recycling. This bothers me to no end. It seems that, over the past few weeks, very few people have done their part in recycling after school to raise money for our Eurotrip. For over a week, the upstairs recycling bins have been OVERFLOWING with recyclables and unmentionables (you don’t want to know). On Tuesdays, a group of people take the recycling downstairs and the cafeteria, while on Thursdays the group takes the upstairs and the cafeteria. Nice and simple, right? Apparently not. Yesterday, Junior, Ryan, and I were recycling all the recyclables from the upstairs, downstairs, gym, and cafeteria. We were there from 3:20 to about 5:30. We only stopped to see Mr. Myers about graduation gown measurements. It was quite the fun afternoon.

My apologies, but I’m a bit of everywhere tonight. I was just thinking about the school then I started to think about anti-bullying week. Tomorrow is Purple Day. Wear purple to support homosexuality! Also, Friday is Pink Day! Wear pink to stand up against bullying! Even Junior has a pink shirt to wear.

Oh gee, here I go on another tangent… This afternoon, I didn’t have to tutor… Again. I think I’ll need to call someone about that. So, I sat in the lobby to wait for Junior and read A Matter of Honor. I’m on page 200 now! Only 160 pages left. Junior told me that I could come on into the cafeteria to watch the drama group practice, but I was stubborn and said no. A few minutes later, Mr. Sharpe (the drama teacher) walked by me and stopped. He looked at me oddly and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was sitting down and reading my book. He lightened up and told me that if I wanted, I could come into the cafeteria to watch them practice their play, regardless of what Junior said. I giggled and agreed to go. SO! I watched Junior at drama and read my book until about 4:45 this afternoon. I had a bunch of fun. When they were done practicing, Junior and I brought Sam home, then Junior brought me home.

This evening, I was at Nan and Pop’s until 8:30. We had supper, watched the news, chatted, watched Coronation Street, I played Unblock Me (level 130 something now!), Nan did some Sudoku, Pop went out, I called Dad, worked at the blog categories (ALMOST done), then Nan brought me to Mom’s. Now I’m here… Writing this.

Now I’m done… Writing this. Good night!

-Bre :)

If I left the blog tonight with only this title, it would be complete because of the simple fact that Harry Potter is indeed awesome. Last summer, I began re-reading the Harry Potter series but, due to a series of unfortunate events *coughSCHOOLcough*, I was unable to finish reading all seven books. I was able to read the first three and start reading the fourth in the first three weeks of August. When I came back from my holiday, I didn’t have much time to read because I had to work the last week and a half before school. When school started, we got piled high with work, so I was unable to continue reading. Poor excuses, I know, but they’re valid! Honest!

I am VERY glad to say that I once again picked up the Goblet of Fire this past Friday and started reading from where I left off. I’m on page 264! I didn’t read any today, sadly. Right now, in the book, (close your eyes if you haven’t read it yet) Harry has been chosen as the second Hogwarts champion in the Triwizard Tournament, and is on his way to a photo shoot for the Daily Prophet. He had to leave Potions (thank goodness) and Snape wasn’t too pleased. If memory serves me correctly, Harry is going to meet Rita Skeeter soon…? But I can’t rightly remember.

Speaking of Harry Potter… How many of us were disappointed after reading the Philosopher’s Stone and expected our letter to Hogwarts, telling us that we were a witch/wizard? I know I sure was. Sadly, it was around my eleventh birthday that I read the book. When I didn’t get my letter, I was so incredibly depressed! I knew that it would never come because Harry Potter is a work of fiction (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) and, therefore, not real, but I still had that bit of hope. Russell and Vanessa were also very disappointed that their letter didn’t come. I think we’ve all convinced ourselves that they just got lost in the mail on their way over from Hogwarts. Sigh… Oh well. Our high school is okay…

So! Today. Umm… What have I done? I slept over to Nan and Pop’s last night! Yay! When I woke up this morning, I went downstairs and sat around with them from 9:30 (or so) until about 11:30 (or so). After my shower, I got some dinner. Nan and I sat down and ate cheese and crackers. I ate about a half a block of cheese, so I’m expecting to be stomach sick tomorrow. Nan was eating cream cheese with Worcestershire sauce. Isn’t that a terrific word? Worcestershire. Woooooorcestershire. Really, just say it. Oh… Right. Pop had already eaten, so I’m going to say that I ate his share of cheese too.

I was going to try to go to the store with Junior, but he was already out with Scottie so my plan was foiled. But Scottie and Junior came by to get me shortly after two! Junior and I left Nan and Pop’s and walked to his house, while Scottie went to get Jessica to give her a ride. Unfortunately, it was very cold today. Less than -25 degrees Celsius, I believe, but I’m not entirely sure. The wind chill was awfully cold, I know that much because we were walking against the wind most of the time.

OHNO, I lied! I DID read some Harry Potter today. Oh, please forgive me! I read some of it today at Junior’s. It was awesome! Scottie played some CoD, Junior was on his Mac, and I read Harry Potter. Oh, what fun. Mom and the kids came home today, so we all had supper at Nan and Pop’s house. We had turkey. I LOVE turkey.

Tonight, I cleaned my room. I have bi-annual Clean-My-Room-Days. I’m glad of it. It’s… Rough, to say the least. I was at it for about an hour and a half and I only got my floor swept and my dresser cleaned. Mmhmm. Junior’s going to help clean my shelves sometime soon. I hope.

ARGH! School tomorrow. I have to go to bed… Good night !

-Bre :)

As you can tell from the title tonight, I'm pretty pumped. I've had a pretty darn good day! I'll tell you why.

SO! Thursday was my last exam. I went to Junior's for the afternoon and almost fell asleep. But, Junior told about the afternoon. He dropped me off at Nan and Pop's, and there I ate supper with them and Britt. After supper, Britt and I watched Coronation Street. That show is incredible! Poor ol' Gail. She's put in jail for something she didn't do! And one lady got drunk because she thought her boyfriend was cheating on her, when in reality he was out buying her an engagement ring. OUCH. After that, we went down to Mom's. Nan and I watched tv while Britt went to bed. While Nan read her book, I played Sims 3 for four and a half hours. I started upstairs and at about 11:30, I went downstairs to play/go to bed.

Now, I text Junior ALL THE TIME. Can't get rid of him. :P     Last night, I was texting him while playing Sims and lying down. As usual, I fell asleep while waiting for a text back. I woke up at about 5 this morning all in a tizzy because I thought I was late for school! Turns out it was 5 IN THE MORNING. Ack. I checked my phone and had a text from Junior, so texted him back right quick and went back to sleep. Then I woke up at 8. And went back to sleep. Then I woke up at 10. And stayed in bed until 11. While lying down, I texted Junior and Cody. I ate at 12, and talked to Mom, Brooke, and Bryton on the phone. After my shower, I texted Russell and we moved our plans to tomorrow.

I also picked up the Goblet of Fire again. I started it last summer, and because of school, I stopped reading it. Now I'm about 200 pages in. So, Dad picked me up at 4 ish, Junior texted me asking if I wanted to go to supper with him, Scottie, and Jessica, and Dad and I got Britt. I got Britt to come along! :D

Supper was good. Britt, Scottie, Jessica, Junior, Russell (who showed up later), and I sat around for an hour and a half and goofed around, haha. Afterward, Britt and I dropped off Russell and I think we were being followed by Junior, Jessica, and Scottie. It was funny. I dropped Britt off at Dad's then went to Cody's.

I arrived at Cody's around 6:45 ish? Noelle was there for a bit, then she went to her sister's. SO! Cody and I sat around for a while and he told me about his Magic: The Gathering deck. I just sat and listened... And didn't understand a word. I LOVE NERDINESS. Watching the guys play a game, or having them explain their games is just heaven to me, haha. I'm a cool kid. After a while, we went to sit in the kitchen and eat some ice cream. We have a terrible habit... Of eating an entire 1L container of ice cream in one sitting. I get so sick because of it, but I don't care. We have a blast eating it. Then, I went home to Dad's.

Now I'm talking to Junior on MSN and writing this. I'm EXHAUSTED. I think I'll end it here. Yeah. That's a good idea. Good night!

-  Bre :)
Waldon here, and I forgot to bl0g last night. Whomever was expecting me to have something up was disappointed. I'm probably overthinking it, I don't believe enough people actually READ this thing for one missed night to be a big deal. :P But I still feel bad. xD

Today was Bre's last exam, thank god. If you saw that girl studying you'd think she was going to have a breakdown. She finished up around lunchtime, and then we met up and hung out all afternoon. You know that you're good friends with somebody when you can just sit down and listen to music for hours. No need to speak even, if you don't want to. Sometimes, you can just have a silence between people that isn't an awkward silence, I love it. :P

For some of the afternoon, I was reading the book "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" By Stieg Larsson. The book is absolutely amazing. It's a thriller of sorts, revolving around (What thriller good thriller doesn't really?) a mystery. A girl named Lisbeth Salander and Mikheal Blomkvist are investigating seperate things, but both of those things revolve around the Wennerstrom Company and a family called the Vanger's. I'm too lazy to go check the spelling, but if I got it wrong feel free to hate spam me all you want. I'll happily ignore your emails and comments. :) Anyway, the story starts off with Blomkvist being accused to libel, and with his prison term starting soon. The magazine he co founded is under pressure and about to collapse, when he is offered a research and writing job. . .

And that's all I'm going to say before I ruin any of the book. If you want to know the rest, go buy the book. Or borrow it from a friend. It's well worth your time. :P

I finished my last exam yesterday. It was a History exam. I love history, but I have a horrible memory with names, dates and figures. You can guess how that works for specific history questions, yeah? :P Our exam had 50 multiple choice questions and 8 long answer/essay questions. Yes, you read that right. EIGHT ESSAYS. It was ridiculous. It took me about 20 minutes to finish all of the selected response... and two and a half hours to finish the essays. You can be sure I was glad to leave that room. So, after I finished the exam I waited around for Bre to finish her History exam, or excuse my french, Histoire Mondial. I believe that's how it's spelled. French was never my best subject. I can speak it, but not write it. Yeah, she did our exam, but in FRENCH. That's nuts. I don't know how long it was though. They weren't as far in the unit as us. It probably just had more questions on similar things. Still insane. You wouldn't be able to pay me to do it in French. After Bre finished, she got a ride home with Lisa.

It ended up being a lucky break that I waited for Bre, regardless of if I was needed. My Director saw me just as Bre was leaving, and he brought me up to his classroom and showed me the new shipment of fake swords used in stage fights. They were excellent quality. There were two Chinese Tao replicas, two katanas and two long swords. He also had another sword that he ordered for himself that he uses to practice with for real swordplay. Yeah, that's right. Not only does my director rock at acting, but he can also use a sword. You can't be any more awesome than a man like that. I want to be like that man. :P

Anyway, I think I'm done for now, I kind of feel gross. :S So, Good night all!