The past week, the internet has not been cooperating with me. Every time I try to load a page, it either won’t load or shuts down on me. It’s ridiculous. I have a History project due next week that I’ve been trying to work on since Monday and I haven’t been able to because the internet simply WON’T WORK. Last night, I tried to load a picture. It took five minutes.. To load 3/4 of it. I had to refresh the page. Twice. Then I FINALLY got the picture. Then my internet died. Completely. Last night, I tried several times to log on to MSN, but it wouldn’t work for me. It’s. So. Frustrating.

It’s called "high-speed" for a reason.

Maybe I’m having trouble with it because I’m too far away from the modem thingy? I’m downstairs, while it’s upstairs. Stupid wireless.

On top of all of that, my Chem teacher, Mr. Rumbolt, posts all of his notes online and I can’t access any of them because of the internet. I missed school yesterday morning because of a hospital appointment (ugh. Hospitals scare the crap out of me), thus missing Chem class. Mr. Rumbolt told me that the notes from that class would be posted online. "Sure," I though, "that’s cool. I’ll get those tonight."

Lalala, here I am, minding my own business, when BAM. The internet says, "Oh no, I’m not going to work tonight. You can just screw off" and shuts down on me. I’m sorry, but I have better things to do than wait around for a couple of hours to see if the internet suddenly wants to work. I know there’s nothing I can do about it, but it really SUCKS. It’s such a hindrance.


The internet is working now! Life is great. My History is done, and I will soon get my notes.

NOTHING has been happening. At all. Tomorrow is Friday (thank goodness!) So I think I’ll see if Daniel wants to do something after school tomorrow. That sounds like a good idea. I hope he’s free!

Still swamped with work. Three assignments are due on Monday. I can’t wait until those are done.

- Bre :)

p.s. Recommend to your friends? Or suggestions? Anything, please.

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