Waldon here, and this evening I was a willing and happy spectator to My Province's 35th Creative Arts Festival. The festival is a once a year thing here, and it celebrates the successes and work done by artists and creators around the Atlantic provinces. My group will be performing there on tuesday night. It's going to be quite a fun time.

This evening there were two local groups that performed and an artist that spoke to us. Both groups performed plays, and the artist was a textile artist. The first group performed a murder mystery skit that was fascinating. The second group did a piece on how hard it is to get from their town ANYWHERE. In our province, there are still many places that are inaccessible by anything but plane or boat. This is one of those places. :P Most of the play was done with jokes that anybody from out of town wouldn't understand, because they were about the local geography or services, but for anybody around town, the play was genius.

Today I was in the Math Help Center, as I almost ALWAYS am, and tried to finish my math assignment. One of my teachers, Ms Edmunds, showed up during the lunch period and we did our regular Pokéwalker connection. Yeah, I'm a nerd and PROUD. Anyways, conversation understandably drifted to pokémon, and Ms Edmunds and my good friend Sandra raised their arms above their heads and CHEERED when something was said, I can't even remember what it was. The rest of us all looked at each other, and CHEERED with them. That was the birth of the Pokemon Salute. I'm sure I'll be doing it again soon.

I bought a CD by Sherman Downey this evening while I was at the theatre, and when I got home I put it in my stereo and listened. I love his sound, it's similar to John Butler Trio and Dr Zoo, both of which are equally amazing. I'm sure I'll be lending this to Bre tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm having a pretty bad writer's block tonight, as you could probably tell by the coherency of this particular blog, so. . . Good night, people.

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