Waldon here, and you're witnessing firsthand the horrible effects of insomnia.

Also, there's an English assignment that's due today in school that I only started at around 10 30, but that's and entirely unrelated matter, of course.

One of my best friends in the world came back from her first-ish year at university this evening. I drove up to the airport at 8 50 pm, and her flight was in at 9 30 pm. So we immediately hugged and resumed where we left off 4 months ago. Which is to say, Tim Horton's and tooling around. I missed that girl.

I drove her home at 10 30, and I ACCIDENTALLY hugged her too hard.

It was really an accident, seriously.

I have this problem. I'm stronger than I realize sometimes. . . And I usually end up breaking things. Or people. I don't like breaking things. Or people.

Now, after writing for the past 4 hours, I'm really not in the mood for a long post, nor am I really in control of my facilities right now. I'm kind of tired. I've been running off of caffeine for the past few months. Staying up late probably won't help my case any.

Oh well. Bre and I were in the Math Help Center again today. Nothing much happened, but I like being places with Bre, so I'll put it here anyway. Although, at one point over lunchtime Sam A. started playing with my depth perception (or my lack thereof). That was mildly traumatizing.

So I guess I'll go to bed now unless you want another depressed rant. I don't want one really. They make make feel emo. And I don't LIKE feeling emo.

So, good night everybody!

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