School is hectic. Period. I think the teachers sit around in the staff room and plot how they’ll torture us in the weeks to follow. We’ve all had so much to do lately, it’s ridiculous.

What I really don’t like about school is the group projects. If I could avoid them completely, I would. I prefer working alone. We have to do a Macbeth video for English and I’m in a group of 5. FIVE. It’s almost impossible to get all of us together on the same night. "Ooh, I’ve had plans for a whole week and I can’t change them; I have to work; I don’t like working on weekends." Etc. At least I know when I’m by myself, I’ll get the work done. I find it hard to trust others (even friends) with school work. I’m just OCD like that. And paranoid. It’s not good atall.

Junior just finished dance class, so I’ll unload all of my problems on him soon. Poor guy doesn’t even know it’s coming.

What I love about school is the teachers. My teachers are great. Ms. Edmunds is amazing! She does the Art club after school on Tuesdays. I went today and painted a picture of a flower. It looked like a two-year-old’s painting, but I loved it! I ended up giving it to Junior. He liked it, haha. He couldn’t go today because of drama try-outs. Good luck to him! I took the late bus home, too! It was crazy. Thomas had My Chemical Romance going on the CD player. Yeah, the CD player. That bus is the only one that has one. I wish they all did! But then people would fight and argue over the music being played. Sigh. You really can’t win.

Another great thing about school is doing the canteen. Today, Junior and I did most of the work because Nikita was out and Deejay was doing some work that she had missed while being sick. Poor dears. So, we had to sell the WORST food in the entire world - HOT DOGS. ARGH. I really don’t like them. They’re so gross! Like, what’s IN them!? Ew. I can’t even stand the smell. It’s really hard to sell them at school. Junior knows I don’t like to do it, but I do it anyway because I have to. It I didn’t, I wouldn’t be in the canteen. Then I’d have nothing to do. So! I sucked it up, and sold some hot dogs.

Anywho. Back to homework. Both Junior and I have a Math test tomorrow. Darn quadratic functions. If I hear one more word about parabolas, I might cry. I love Math and all, but I had to do basically the same thing in two courses for a month and a half. I kind of need a change.

- Bre :)

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