Waldon here, and can you guess what that question is? :P

"Is there anybody you'd like to punch in the face?"

I mean, really. Is that a question you just ask people? xD But to answer, yes. There is. In fact, there are several people. But if I am allowed to continue on this train of thought, I would not punch them. Punching people has only solved one of my problems and that was when both my problems and I were too young to work it out between ourselves. Punching people will not get me a grad date that means anything to me, nor will it fix my degenerate body or heal my wounded self-confidence. So, I'll say this to people now. Violence doesn't solve many problems and those problems can almost always be reached with a compromise for everybody. Just let things go. It's easier to just let past grievances stay forgotten or forgiven and accepted, than it is to bring them up needlessly. Although, that's easier said than done, I'll admit.

Anyways, onto the blog before I get myself into another long angry rant with no real purpose, eh?

This morning was a bit of an odd morning. I woke up late, and I had some odd dream about my dad... But I can't remember it, I wish I could. It would have made an excellent filler for the blog. :P After I had myself all readied and stuff, I found out that Bre is too sick to go to school today. I drove down anyway. I needed to pick some stuff up at her house, and I like seeing her in the morning.

First period I had math, and then art and then history. I spent all three periods reading or watching movies. It was ridiculous. I finished my book though. That's a plus. :P

Lunchtime was... weird. I was working the canteen, and things just became surreal. I think there was a gas leak or something. Hot Dog fumes? I was dancing and singing, I was even making stupid similes and funny voices. I scared off the neighboring canteen's customers. Maybe it was because Bre wasn't around. Withdrawal? I was kind of lonely. xD

After lunch was the same as the previous periods. I don't think I did any real work all day. I've got Nutrition first tomorrow, so I guess I'll have a repeat of today.

After supper I went to Dance class. My partner wasn't there, so I was just a spectator all night. Nothing really exciting. Now here I am, waiting/hoping for Bre to text back before I go to sleep. Good night all!

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