That’s the sun, by the way. Mr. Rumbolt (my Chem teacher) told us that. I think he was talking about energy changes at the time. Cool stuff, nonetheless. Chem is a fun course.

So. It’s getting late, and I’m tired. Today was so LONG. I ended up at Ryan’s house for almost five hours, working on an English project with he and Russell. In the end, we made some progress and a batch of brownies. They were delicious! Russell left early, so Ryan and I did some more work. The other two in the group couldn’t make it, but oh well. We’ll all do something in the end.

Ohmy. Brittany dyed (some of) her hair blue. It’s great. I told her to dye it purple, but she decided not to. I don’t know why? She loves purple. I love green, personally. I would dye my hair green if I could, but my hair won’t dye properly. :/

NOTHING is on the go. At all. I did homework all day. Yay me.

- Bre :)

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