So. I tried to post this blog about ten minutes ago, AAAAND it wouldn't work.

Source of error number 1: The internet connection sucks, which makes the page flicker. Because of this, I can't type properly.

When I'm finished playing Guitar Hero (and sucking horribly), I'll try to do this again and see if it works. Maybe the connection will be better then.

- Bre :/


The internet is working again! Yay me. Now this just has to be posted before it breaks on me again.

So, NOTHING happened today. It was odd. Usually SOMETHING weird happens that I can chat about. But today, nothing. At all. Well, nothing exciting.

The weather went all weird on us again, though. It went from sunny and nice, to cold and rainy. It's gross. I was soaked walking from the bus to my house. I miss summer. I love autumn, don’t get me wrong. I just love seeing the sun too. It will get steadily darker earlier now until about Christmas. When we get out of school then, it will be dark.

Speaking of school, I’ve been swamped with work this week. Assignments and tests and labs, oh my! Luckily, I have everything done that’s due up until the end of the long weekend. Go me. This weekend, I’ll be able to relax and hopefully game a bit with the guys.

Yeah. I used game as a verb. They’re corrupting me. I’m pretty much addicted to Harvest Moon now, thanks to Junior. Who knew farming could be that much fun? (My horse’s name is Abe, and my dog’s name is Fawkes)! Next, I’ve been told that Fable 2 is a great game by Robyn and Junior, so I’m going to have to try that out. I mostly play video games when I’m at Junior’s. Mostly because the Xbox is on quite a bit.

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