Waldon here. Has anybody else ever noticed that if you say the name of any classical music you sound like a prick? xD I love classical. Especially the slow stuff like the Moonlight Sonata, Gymnopedieas,  Air on the G String, Canon in D, as well as my title song above.

So, today has been an odd day. I woke up late, to start it off. I usually have trouble STAYING asleep, not waking up. After that, as I was getting ready for school, mom told me she needed me to deliver something for her on the way to pick up Bre. Which actually sucked, since I was already running short on time. She ALSO decided that I had to call my sister RIGHT NOW to wish her happy birthday. It's not like I can't call in the afternoon. That would just be easy. >.<

Anyways, I picked up Bre and drove to school in time for classes. But wait!

I didn't have classes today. I spent today with my theatre troupe doing workshops. We went to a church in town that was lent to us for use today, and I spent the morning learning about musical theatre and how to do stage makeup.

I actually LOVED the stage makeup course. The instructor was talking to us about how different colors are used for showing up on different faces, about greasepaint and witch hazel. Which I need to get some of, actually. Then he told us about how to apply layers and cover over skin defects with grafts and stuff. Next he let us have free reign on one another for about half an hour. But nobody wanted to paint my face. :(

Then we went to our local college campus' cafeteria for dinner. It was hot dogs, french fries and mashed potatoes. Good enough for me. :P

Then it was back to the church for the afternoon, where we were practicing conveying messages with our bodies instead of just verbally. We were all pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. xD

Our next workshop would have been theatre games, but 3 of the 4 groups weren't there for that, and our director would have been the teacher anyway, so we already knew it all. So instead we spent the next hour and a half or so just being idiots and talking about what we were doing for the talent show tomorrow night. Maybe Bre will tell you tomorrow, maybe not. Who knows? But I'm not telling you what it is until after it's done. ;)

Then, Bre and I spent the afternoon driving around and I bought some truffles and gum. It was a very productive afternoon, if I do say so myself.

After supper, Bre came over and we watched The Return of the King. Bre is absolutely amazing. She knew the whole movie off by heart, and she's the only girl I've ever met that knows the books as well as, or better than, I do. :)

Now, I've been feeling like crap all day because of some very odd sensation in my head. For lack of a better description... It felt like there was a trout in my skull. Yes. A trout. In my skull.

I cannot explain it any more than that. It just simply was.

A few minutes ago, I felt a huge pressure behind my nose... I bent my head, waited for the pressure to go, and then suddenly... It was. :S I looked down and saw, to my amazement, a small, rubber, squeaky trout. I have one awesome headtrout. :P

Now, after being sodomized by a trout for the past 36 hours or so I feel understandably tired. Soo.... Good night all! :D :P

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