I’ve had such an unproductive week that I feel like crying. I feel like I haven’t done ANYTHING. No research paper, no novel assignment, nothing. Junior and I had a Math test yesterday, I had a Chem RETEST today, and I had an English novel quiz today - I hardly studied for any of it! Where does time go? Because I really need to find some.

Tomorrow is my brother’s eighth birthday, so I think I’m staying home most of the day. Although, I do have to work tomorrow night. I’m a call-in waitress at a place here in town. My Pop is a part of their organization, so they call me when the need someone. It’s mostly around Christmas time, so it’s not too bad. We get some crazy people up there sometimes. For example, one night, some guy asked for two pieces of cheesecake. I gave them to him, and he called me an angel. Lovely.

So, as Junior said, I got my licence on Wednesday. I think I’ve done more driving since then than I have in the past eight months! Today, I drove to school. That was fine. I roped Junior into coming to the store with me after school to get some butter. That was also fine. This afternoon, when I went out to the parking lot, Junior, Ryan and Meghan were with me. Ryan and Meghan both had to work at four o’clock, and they work uptown, so I brought them up. Meghan refused a ride from the store to work! I told her it was no problem, but she said it was okay. Ryan didn’t want to cross the main road, so we brought him to work. Silly Ryan! But, he has the SWEETEST girlfriend in the whole world (Meghan). She’s just so perfect for him! (^^)

After getting butter, Junior and I went to pick up my Dad’s cheque to deposit it for him. (I forgot to mention that he called before we left school and asked me to do it). We got the cheque. While we were in the parking lot there, Britt called (was it then? I don’t remember..) and asked how long we’d be so that we could get Bryton then pick up our take-out. Junior had my phone because I was driving (I think we had left the lot? Man, I’m all over the place tonight) so he talked to her. We deposited the cheque, went home to get Bryton, and went to get the food. After getting the food, Bryton and I dropped off Junior and went home.

After we all ate, Bryton and I went to the bank to get some money and then went to the store. He got a toy, then we went to the gas station. It was the first time I had been to a gas station since I got my licence. I had to ask the buddy how to unlock the cap. Go me and my idiocy. I wasn’t too embarrassed. I’m used to feeling stupid. Anywho! I put 20$ in the Pathfinder, and I went from about a quarter to a half tank. Holy. Cow. That thing really does eat gas.

Bryton and I left the gas station and went home to get Britt and Brooke. Britt and I had planned to take the kids to Tim Horton’s to pass some time. We were there for about an hour, then went home before the rush started.

Other than that, my night has been quite uneventful. Nothing important happened? All I know is that tomorrow I need to work really hard on my homework. It’s going to suck. I think the main thing that I have to do is my research paper... And read A Separate Peace. Ugh.

On that note, I’m going to stop this blog right here before someone falls asleep.

- Bre :)

11/26/2010 10:57:38 am

AND, I cancelled plans with Daniel. My night was crazy. (O_O)


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