If you have a towel, you're pretty much set for life. According to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy anyway. The past few days I have been locked up, reading. I finished reading Dan Brown's the Lost Symbol (excellent read, by the way. Highly recommend it!) then started on the Hitchhiker's Guide immediately. Junior lent it to me, along with three other books, to read while he is away. As everyone knows, he's still here. So why am I reading a borrowed book now? Because I need to know how to hitchhike across the galaxy, obviously.

So, what have I been up to. Not a heck of a lot. I've been reading constantly for the past few days and I've finished two books and started a third in about a week. Cool, hey? I have a lot of free time. Like, a lot. During the day, I sit at home and read. Mom is around, so I'm not lonely. Dad is at work so I can't really visit him. Junior is at work. Brittany is gone with Mandy. Bryton is out with his friends. Brooke is out of town. Thomas is helping the people do our driveway. What can I do? Read.

Speaking of the driveway, I have to park on the lawn at the moment. Yesterday, we got our driveway poured so we aren't allowed to park on it for a week. Sure, we can WALK on it, but we can't PARK on it. The Pathfinder and the truck are currently parked on what little front lawn that we have left. Oh well! It'll be dry soon and my baby will be in it's proper spot.

I don't have much to say . . . OH! I DID VISIT DAD AT WORK TODAY. I brought he and Nick a coffee. They liked that. :)

At the moment, I'm hanging out with Junior. He's telling me about his day at work. He had to go to a funeral home and wait to be served. Teehee. That's funny. (^^)

Okay, I'm done for now. I might eat some chocolate and play Sims . . . If Junior lets me. Bye!

- Bre :)

P.S. Junior is NOT a tyrant. He always lets me play Sims for fear of being beaten. :)

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