I do believe that this is the best way to spend my Saturday morning. I am 110% unable to sleep in (kids screaming, tv blaring, dog barking, etc) so why not make the best of my time? A nice cup of tea and a good book satisfies my needs quite nicely. I suppose texting Junior makes it a little better, too. :p

All right. I've been a slacker. I was supposed to do this days ago but I didn't. Why? I don't even have a reason. Tired, lazy, busy, exploding things, buidling houses . . . That's good enough, right? Junior said he could do it today but I told him no. I needed something to do. (Random occurence : You know you're still tired when you try to drink your phone because you think it's your cup of tea). Now here I am, chilling out, being a cool kid, and stealing my sister's computer. Not Britt's though! She'd eviscerate me without thinking twice. That's just something YOU DON'T DO.

You know what? Eviscerate is a fun word. Here's the exact definition, according to dictionary.reference.com :
eviscerate - to remove the entrails from; disembowel; to deprive of vital or essential parts.
I think I like this word.

Lately I haven't been up to much. Junior and I registered for school this week (GAH, what a day that was). We had yesterday off so we just hung out and I played Sims. I have the greatest little house ever! I bought an unfurnished trailer and, using cheats nonetheless, I renovated it. I added a "porch", expanded the bedroom a bit, changed the siding and all the wall coverings, did the floors, and furnished the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. It's simply magnificent. Other than that, I haven't done that much. School starts Monday so that's when my life is going to be turned upside down. (><)

Oh! I have been doing something the past couple of days. I've been reading the Math Book ! Junior bought it for me while he was on holidays. It's really good! It is a compilation of some of the greatest Mathematic discoveries since before Christ. Wow, right? I feel like such a nerd. It's great though! I really like it thus far.

Okay, I think I'm done for now. I really have to finish my tea before it gets too cold! Later.

- Bre :)

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