Waldon here tonight. I'm really tired tonight, so instead of talking about MY night (Which was filled with lying in bed thinking about aggravating stuff and random things that really don't make sense), I'll just take the easy route and talk about something I read on CNN a few minutes ago.

As the title implies, it's about Ecuadorian dwarfs.

There was a study done on 99 Ecuadorian dwarfs that showed that there was a major reduction of the rates of diabetes and cancer in those subjects as compared to the general population.

Of the same number of average sized people, if I'm remembering correctly (Don't quote me on this!) 20% died of diabetes or cancer related deaths. Of the 99 smaller people, only 9 died in the period allotted and only one ever had cancer (of the ovaries) which wast treated and never returned. None developed diabetes that couldn't be explained from genetic predisposition.

This makes me feel two conflicting emotions. One, happiness because this is one step closer to a cure for diabetes, and two, fear because the only difference in their genes from my own is the growth gene. Which I have in loads. Since I already have Diabetes, I'm going to assume my risk of cancer is high. >.<

NOW! Past that depressing point, I'd like to say that I'm really, really tired. So I'm going to stop this post here. :P

So, good night all!

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