Teehee. My brother is incredible. He said this title last night while drawing on some eggs. Well, it was so cute. Mom had cooked him two boiled eggs for supper, which he did not eat. A couple of hours later, Britt and I were sitting around in the kitchen talking to Mom, when Bryton found these eggs again and asked to draw on them. He drew a couple of silly faces and was quite content. A few minutes after he drew “Mr. Stupid” and “Mr. Crazy,” he started singing a little song. Mom and I weren’t really paying him much attention when he started singing because we were talking but when we stopped talking and listened to him, we just had to laugh. Bryton had pretended to put a boiled egg up each of his nostrils, and started singing “Eggs up my nose, eggs up my nose, eggs up my noooooooooose!” It has been stuck in my head ever since. The tune is just so catchy! (><)

So, yesterday we got our report cards. Yes, I did great. My lowest average was English (88%). Other than that, everything was excellent. Today we had a half-day for parent-teacher interviews. There was no reason to go to them in my case, so nobody went.

Today was all right. I’ve been sick since last night, so I’m just hoping I can make it through school tomorrow as well. This morning just DRAGGED on and on and on and on and on. I had Religion, where I was playing a game on Scottie’s iPod, first period. Second period was Pre-cal. We did notes and got some work. At recess I thought I was going to collapse. BUT! I didn’t. Go me! Third period was the (dare I say it?) worst Math class of my entire life. Today was the first day all year that Junior just WASN’T there. I didn’t tell him, but it just wasn’t the same without him. I really did miss him next to me. Gosh, *sniff*, I’m such a sap.

Anywho. When we were let out for the afternoon, Junior and I dropped off Amy and Lorraine (they’re AMAZING) then went to my house for a minute. After going there, we went for a drive uptown. After our little drive around uptown, we went to get some subs at Subway. Mmmm, I love their food! Unfortunately, the only time I get a good sub from there is when this guy named Mark is working. Weird, I know, but true. We got our subs to go and went to Junior’s house to pick up his Xbox controller. We hung out there for a minute, then went to Scottie’s house. While at Scottie’s, he and Junior played Call of Duty: Black Ops and I did my Pre-cal homework. Well, some of it. I finished the rest when I got home. I think I even took a nap! I don’t know if it was a nap or that trippy space between sleeping and not-sleeping. But I think it was a nap. I didn’t realize I had actually fallen asleep until I woke up! I was leaning against Junior on the couch, and when I woke up, I was a little confused as to what I was doing. Only for a moment. Then I realized that it was Junior and I cuddled into his arm. He was the substitute blanket for the afternoon. Sort of.

Okay, I’m leaving it here tonight because I feel like my insides are going to fall out or explode at any minute. Good night!

-Bre :)

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