This lovely quote came from yours truly. I said this to Junior on the way to school this morning. Why? I don’t know. I just asked him, and now I’m just waiting for the answer. AH! There it is. *reads answer.* There we go. Apparently, “we were talking about how we couldn’t see anything on the roads and how it was creepy.” Direct quote for the win. Everything was so white! I couldn’t tell the snow banks from the roads. The sanders were out this morning sanding the roads (obviously) because we got a lot of snow last night, so naturally I had to talk about how I keep backing into the snow bank. I’m just that awesome. Because I’m so used to backing in an enormous truck, when I got home from Junior’s yesterday, I couldn’t really back in the Pathfinder.


Thomas fixed the Pathfinder this week. It wouldn’t start properly for some reason and, because he was going back out of town today, he needed to fix it pronto. He fixed it and brought it home from his friend’s garage yesterday morning. Needless to say, I was tickled pink. My baby was home. Unfortunately, she went again this morning with Thomas. *sniff.* Lucky for me, I had her for the afternoon yesterday. I ran a couple of errands for Mom (food to Nan and Pop that she had made, went to the post office, got gas) and what did I discover?! The speedometer didn’t work! I went home after running the errands and told Thomas. He knew. NOBODY bothered to tell me. I was almost freaking out. Now, THAT was a site to see. I was trying to judge how fast I was going by how fast the other cars were going. BUT GUESS WHAT. There were NO other cars out yesterday. Go figure. So, in the end, I figured out roughly when I was in second or third gear and went from there. It’s been a while since I drove a standard vehicle, but I managed. I didn’t get pulled over, either!

Okay, at the moment, I’m being a bit of a procrastinator. Only a bit. I was working on my Chem lab that’s due this Wednesday (Mrs. Finlay told us the due date today. She didn’t tell us Friday when we did the lab. Now I have that, and two possible quizzes. Gosh), but I gave up on that temporarily to write this! And, naturally, I’m talking to Junior. I have to go to a university session thing tomorrow night with Nan, so I’m going to try to do most of my lab tonight.

DANG IT. I have a headache again. Will I ever win?! I don’t think so. I do so much for everyone else when they ask that I get nothing done for myself, and I stress about not being able to finish. This usually forces me to stay up late at night to finish what needs to get done. Because I stay up late to do my own work, I sleep poorly. As a result of sleeping poorly, I can’t get up in the morning and Junior has to wait when he comes to pick me up because I’m not ready. Then, I’m tired all day in school. When I get home from school (after staying in to do ANYTHING), I just want a nap but I can’t have one because I have things to do. These “things” could be anything from doing the laundry, to tucking in Bryton and Brooke, to doing my homework. Naturally, I’m much too stubborn and proud to ask for help from anyone, even Junior. Then, I get a headache from doing so much. Then, I sleep poorly. Then… You get the gist of it, oui?

Ooooou! This was a complaining blog. Lovely! I don’t think I’ve had one of these yet. It’s usually Junior that deals with the melodrama. Okay, I’m gone on this note. I need to do some more work.

-Bre :)

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