Good evening! Or would it be afternoon? Um . . . Good 5:30pm! This is just one of those times of the day where I really don't know how to great people. At, and after, noon, I know to say "Good afterNOON." After, like, seven, I know to say "Good evening." 5:30 just seems like an in-between time.

So, what's with the early blog? Absolutely nothing. I'm not hungry just yet so I figured I'd write this before I turned everything off for supper. Who knows when I'd pull the Internet back up? Ah, the title has no great significance. My computer is plugged in and the little battery thing says "Fully charged (100%)" when you mouse over it.

Today has been all right! I woke up! I either got a shower, or I ate. I think I ate first. Maybe? Then I just hung out for a while. I ate AGAIN about two hours after I first ate. Junior came down at around one or so, then we went to the store for Mom. She needed a couple of things so I conned Junior into driving me to the store . . . And carrying everything. (^^)

This afternoon we didn't really do that much. I was cleaning up my room and he was helping me. Well, he read his book as well. I think he's reading Starship Troopers? He seems to be enjoying it, whatever it is. Oh yeah! We also imported 9 CDs to my iTunes! Now I have a little over 1100 songs! After cleaning up my room, we went upstairs for me to get something to eat AGAIN (I think that was about 3:30?). I ate my leftovers from yesterday. We boiled the kettle and sat down to drink tea and eat a piece of the cake that my Mom had made. I LOVE cake. (^^)

Holy crap. I've only been writing for ten minutes . . . It usually takes me about a half an hour to write this much. It usually takes me ages to do anything! For example. Getting my computer fixed. I couldn't use my computer for months because I didn't want to bring it to get fixed. Then Gladdale said that I would really need it for this school year. SO! I smartened up . . . And got my Dad to call about it. Go me! Always on top of things.

Hmmm. I wonder what Junior and I will do this evening/night. Maybe I'll get him to go to Tim Horton's! That would be lovely. He always gets me something. :)

Okay, no good stories to tell. I guess I'll just go read until I get hungry again. Later!

- Bre :)

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