Britt and I were singing the Power Rangers in Space theme song. Because we’re just that awesome. We were also discussing the use of our facial cream.

Britt: How do you use it?
Me: Well, you just put it on your face like a normal cream.
Britt: Oh. That’s boring. *walks away*
Me: Well then, how does this sound. You stick it up the left side of your nose, squeeze as hard as you can and wait until it comes out the other side. Then, you wipe it all over your face like a booger.
Britt: That sounds WAY more exciting!

Well then. I love my sister. I don’t know how else to put it, haha.

I don’t know how I’m making time to do this. I have a Macbeth in-class essay to study for, a Pre-cal test studied for (that I’ll review again in World Religion), and a mini History quiz studied for. THEN, tomorrow, we have to all get together for our Macbeth scene performance. On Wednesday, I have a French quiz and the performance is due. Ick. What a busy two days.

Oh. Mole Day was celebrated today with loads of bad Chemistry puns and food. It was great.

I realize this is very short, and not quite as serious as Junior’s post, but I’m leaving it here. Stupid essay test is going to keep me up all night.

- Bre :)

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