HOLY COW! My last post (other than the home blog about two minutes ago) was 12 days ago! According to my calculations! (GAK, choking on some chocolate)! Many apologies to whoever actually reads this... I feel kind of bad.

So! I'm just sitting on my bed right now, writing this, eating/choking on some chocolate that Junior bought me yesterday, and talking to Junior and Vlad on MSN. Why am I sitting on my bed, and not at my desk? Well, that's a funny story. Not really. My desk is piled high with all kinds of crap right now. Like, grad gifts, boxes, books, wallets, and a 56$ box of chocolates. Why? Because all of that can't stay on my bed. I have to sleep somewhere, jeez. I haven't had a chance to clean it all up yet because it's been so hectic around here for the past couple of weeks. It'll all be done this weekend! I promise!

One of the reasons for the lack of posts was grad. Thank God that's over. It was all right. The dress that Mom made me was lovely! The highlight of that night was my shoes. I wore 4" heels the entire night. Quite an impressive feat, if I do say so myself. After the dance, Junior and I visited  got a pizza for Vanessa as a birthday gift, visited Dad. I got some gas in the truck and went to Mom's to get a bag ready for the next day. I picked up Junior and went through Tim's drive thru at about 11:45 pm to get myself a BLT, then we headed up to the pool for Safe Grad. It was okay. I had a burger at arund 2:30 am Sunday morning. Junior and I took a little drive at 5 when it was over, then we were at home in bed for 6.

On Sunday, I slept a ridiculous amount. Here's when I slept.

6 - ~9:30   ;   ~10:30 - ~12   ;   2:30 - 6:30

It was nuts! Then I slept from about 10 pm to 7 am Monday morning! There were only a handful of us in school yesterday because most of everyone was hungover. I didn't go to the actual grad party because I was really sick. Everyone else did, and they got sick the next day. So, I got a Math assignment yesterday that I finished. Now I have a bunch of other things to do before exams start on June 13th or 14th. (><)

Okay! I'm done for tonight! It's so nice to post again. Sleep well everyone!

- Bre :)

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