That's right, it's me! Bre! I know I'm not as exciting as Junior but he's busy and stressed out at the moment, so I'm taking his place tonight. He forgot about the blog last night (see? Stressed) and offered to do it tonight but I used my scary-girlfriend voice and told him no. If he has a pile of other things on his plate, the least I can do is write this for him. He's done it enough for me! Right? Thought so.

Nothing is really new, to be honest. I did the Chem assignment (due next Monday), I'm still stuck on the Physics assignment (due Friday). . . I'm reviewing Psych? Junior and I have a Chem lab on Wednesday that I'm not looking forward to. We have to write out a pre-lab with all of the procedures, materials, and objectives in it. Rami (the lab guy) said we have to do it to make sure that we actually read it through. Wow.

OH GOOD NEWS. Ranjan moved our Physics class to 12:30 tomorrow instead of 1:30, so I now get out of school at 1:30! But, at 1:30, Junior has a break, so I'm going to spend an hour with him. The poor guy is so stressed out already. It's usually him comforting me but this year it's the other way around. Sure I'm stressed! Don't get me wrong. He's just about ten times worse than me. He just doesnt' show it. Trying to be all manly and stuff, he is.

At the moment, I'm looking through my Psych study guide. It's 1211 pages long. Holy cow. I can't wait to get to chapter two! It's about the central nervous system. We did that in Bio in level two (level three Bio) so it looks pretty familiar!

I think I'm done for tonight. I need to go to bed soon or else I won't make it to Psych tomorrow morning. Good night!

- Bre :)

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