Yeah, so it's almost 1 AM, and I'm writing the blog. How are YOU doing?

I did close to NOTHING today. I woke up extremely late (11 AM) and then proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon playing xbox all day. CoD Black Ops is better than I thought it would be. It has an excellent online experience and several good multiplayer modes for splitscreen.

About halfway through the afternoon, my friend and I went to go get gas for his car. Although admittedly, I don't understand his reasoning in driving his car over to my house in the first place. It's less than a half a block away from here. We're not even on the main road in town. You could WALK to my house from his in less than 5 minutes. Oh well, it's his gas and health he's sacrificing.

We then came back to my house and played some more xbox. Fun, yeah?

I never got to hang out with Bre or anything today, she spent the afternoon with her little brother who was celebrating his 8th birthday. Happy birthday man, have a good one. Although now I guess it's belated, isn't it? Ah, whatever. I haven't slept yet. It's still today to me.

She also had work tonight, so I spent the night with my friend Robyn. She's also an artist like myself. She has BEAUTIFUL pictures. I walked down to meet her at 8PM, and by 9 we were back at my house. I then sat down and watched her play Harvest Moon until midnight. It was fun. :P

She couldn't get a hold of her regular ride home, so she called her alternate source of transportation, and AWAY she went! Now, here I am writing the blog later, admittedly MUCH later, than it should have been. If I was thinking, I would have written it this morning and posted it tonight. Or I could have just written it while she was playing, but that takes mental acuity to think something that reasonable. And since I'm a glorified ape, in essence, I don't DO reasonable thinking.

Anyways, I'm done for the night. Good night everybody- and since I never got to say it tonight, for which I'm so, so sorry- Good night Bre! Sweet dreams, and have a good sleep!

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