Waldon here, Bre doesn't have access to the blog tonight I assume, and she's fairly exhausted from Babysitting! So I'm going to write just a short little bit to make sure you know we're not forgetting you!

About the title!

I was at work today and whilst I was wearing my brand new hat (which is so awesome because it says "GOT MEAT?"), Gloria (The senior worker) looked at me and asked me the hat's said question. Of course, I responded with a quirky and clever comment!

Basically, it consisted of me calling myself chunky. :P

Kathy (Our new florist) looked at me and said instead, I was rather "Bearlike"! Then, not even 10 minutes later Stephanie and Christina, (The cash register/Etc girls) said I was magical and fantastical!

I guess I must be doing something right? :P

So after I got back home I had a quick bite to eat and a quick wash and then went to Bre's house for a bit while she was babysitting. I left around 11? It was fun! :)

Oh, before I forget! Anybody who was at our last potluck should remember that we're having another one on Sunday! (Bre, Sandra, Robyn, Vlad, Sam, Sarah and Gladdale! You two are new additions, but you're more than welcome and expected!) I don't expect they'll see this blog before the weekend's out, but whatever. I'll get in contact. xD

So, good night all!

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