Waldon here, and I'd like to take a moment to discuss my intense hatred for all things individually wrapped.

I hate them.

There. I've taken a moment. :P

Seriously though. There's no good reason why when I open a box of chocolate, I should have to struggle with every individual one before I can eat them. I BOUGHT YOU. LET ME EAT YOU.

And therein lies the problem. :P It just bothers me! I want to eat! Not spend 10 minutes getting the darned [Insert name of individually wrapped item here] out of its casing! The individually wrapped hot dogs are the worst though. Cause if it wasn't for the writing on the plastic, you almost wouldn't know that they were wrapped, the wrapper is that close to it. And then by them time you've peeled a dozen, your fingers are sore and you smell like dog-juice and everything sucks. xD

Anyway! I had a pretty good day of classes. I found out that we're fairly close to the end of our bio class already, and we're not even halfway through the semester yet. But, speaking about that, I need to go. I've got Bre on Skype, and I've got two tests tomorrow. :P Good night all!
- Waldon

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