Waldon here. Has anybody else here (out of the like, 10 of you) that loves rhythm and flow like I do? Yeah, coming from me rhythm sounds odd as a definitive characteristic. I'm pretty random and stuff. I pretty much exist in a transitory state. No one shade for me, I go from the deepest black to the brightest and most luminescent of white. But! I'm random all the time. I've always got something new. In that regard, I'm fairly predictable. I'm the guy that always has a story to tell or a big foolish grin on his face. Bre is always the smart girl who really needs for people to give her a break for once. But, it all changes! Things are always moving and becoming different. There's no one state for the world. It's a world defined by it's very anarchistic nature! The one factor that's always the same is the fact that the world is always changing. Isn't that an idea to ponder over? :P

Well, anyway, along with the blog before I lose the interest of all of you.

Today I had art first period. I love art class. It's pretty relaxed. I got to sit down and do nothing all class and get some needed rest. I've been sleeping like crap for the past while. After art I had Skilled Trades. Same as every day in that class. Also nothing. So, after Skilled trades was Recess and then History. History is one of my favorite classes. My teacher has been doing the course for so long that he hasn't had to look an answer once this year. He knows everything about the course that he can. He loves it. So, because he loves it so much, we all learn nearly everything we need to know in about half the time of everybody else. We spent that class relaxing and reviewing for our exam next week. After History was Music. Music class we spent figuring out what our instruments for our independent assignment will be after Exams. Mine will be a song played solely on the harmonica. I love the sound of the harmonica. It can sound happy or melancholic. It's simple, yet has harmonics so complex it's almost breathtaking. After Music was English. I'm afraid I didn't spend all of English in class, I was taken out of class by my director. My Director in theatre is one of the most incredible men I've ever met. He's done so much, he's always got something to say or a story to tell. He's willing to talk to anybody that's willing to talk to him. He's an amazing character. Myself and another actor in my class left with my director and all the troupe gathered in his classroom and read out our script for the next festival for the first time. We had to go back to class though, and we finished reading it after school.

Thank you for waiting for me after school Bre. That girl decided to wait after school for a ride home with me after my Theatre reading, even though she had a chance to ride home with Ryan. Ryan is a great guy, she probably missed quite the ride. :P And she had to put up with a few sketchy characters in that lobby, all the more to give her props for.

Anyway, I'm pretty much done for the night now. So, Good night everybody!

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