Waldon here again tonight, Bre is pretty beat out, so  I'm taking her place for this evening. Morning. Whatever. Now, for tonight's title, I'm not going to tell you the song name. Anybody who's a fan of the classics, you better know this song or I'll be angry at you. Very angry.

I'll make note here, before I start actually writing the blog, that it's 12:27 AM right now, and this will probably actually be posted around 1 or 2. Eh, if it's late, I might as well make it REALLY late, yeah?

I woke up this morning (yesterday) at around 8 am because I had theatre practice at 9 30. I wish I could sleep in. I've been living off of maybe 3 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 weeks. It sucks. Anyway, during the practice we read through our whole script once, and then did the whole play with blocking later. Our Director was very impressed with us. I felt proud.

After practice, I went home and played xbox for 5 hours.

I'm cool, I know.

Seriously though. Somebody save me from Fallout New Vegas. I might not be able to surface from the game over the next few months. >.<

After supper I took Gunner for a walk. I've been having nosebleeds for the past 3 days, big ones too. I've lost a good bit of blood. And yes, I DID get another nosebleed while walking Gunner down a long dark road.

I'm a big dude. I look kind of scary sometimes. Now, cover my face in blood and dress me in black like I was, and you get bad results. I looked kind of angry, understandably, walking down a long dark road with a dog following me off leash and blood covering my face.

A passing car nearly swerved off the road. I'm lucky she didn't, I would have felt very guilty.

After I got home and apologized to Bre for not being able to go to movie with her tonight due to my body being difficult to maintain, she proved how nice she is by staying home with me this evening. Thank you Bre. It cheered me up, midst the mist of red. (If I may be eloquent. :P)

Now, not too long ago I brought Bre home, and then I read some articles online. Nothing too interesting aside from the Egypt situation.

So, Good night I guess. It' is now 1:16AM. Yes, it took me nearly a full hour to write this. I'm a horrible procrastinator. (Or would that be a good procrastinator xD?)

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