Tonight’s title comes from the middle school play, performed tonight by (you guessed it) the local middle school. I do believe it was the last line? Anyway. The basic plot of the play: a guy wants to propose to his girlfriend in a park. In this park, a lot is happening and their moment gets ruined. On a nearby bench, an old couple that constantly argues is sitting, watching the young couple. At the end of the play, when the young couple decides to separate because of their differences, the old couple decide to leave the park, and they tell each other that they’re sick of each other. The old man turns to his wife and says (the title). I thought that was the cutest thing in the entire world. I quite enjoyed it. :)

I would have done the blog last night, since it was my turn, but I figured I could let Junior do it then and I could do it tonight because he had to perform his play tonight, and I thought he’d be tired. Aren’t I nice? Yes? I thought so. Our school’s drama troupe had a fundraiser (with the middle school’s drama group) to raise money for our school’s drama troupe to go to the Island for the provincial drama thing. I think? Gosh. Maybe I’m not that nice. I can’t even remember what it’s called! Because they won, Junior is going away in May (I do believe) with the troupe for it. I’m going to miss him!

(I don’t have much to write…)

School was okay today. I didn’t get any homework for once! We did some notes in Math and English and… That’s about all I did today. French- watched movie. Chemistry- worked on a couple of questions with Sam and Sandra. World History- did a work sheet and passed it in at the end of the class. WOW. Not a lot was done today. Oh yeah! Tomorrow, I have French right after lunch. A bunch of people are gone out of town to visit the university on the Island, or gone for soccer, or gone for a choir thing. SO! I’m in French by myself with Ms. Shortt! I can’t wait! I think it’s going to be fun. Although, I could just skip off and give her a period to herself… :P

I didn’t do ANYTHING this evening except go to the plays with Britt, and go to Tim’s afterward with Thomas, Matt, Britt, and Junior. Scottie and Jessica showed up at around 9:30, but Britt and I had to be home for 10, so we had to leave at quarter to. Oh well! It was nice seeing them! Britt and I got home around… Jeepers. I didn’t even look at the time! I think it was before 10, though. We went upstairs, talked to Mom and Thomas for a bit, then came downstairs. I got ready for bed. Now I’m writing this.

Now I’m done! Good night!

-Bre :)

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