Hey! It hasn't been as long as I thought since I last posted! I'm doing good! :D  Before I fall asleep (it's almost midnight here), I'll get right into the blog. So!

This weekend has been weird. I don't know why. But it has. Read Junior's post for more info? MY weekend felt really... Off. As of about an hour ago, I have done between 6 and 10 loads of laundry since Friday. Crazy, hey? Six people means a lot of dirty clothes.

Friday night, I babysat Brooke and Bryton. We watched two movies: The Master of Disguise, and Kermit's Swamp Years. To be honest, I think I preferred the Master of Disguise. It's hilarious! I always get a giggle at the turtle club. That night, I also did my Math and my English homework, which, surprisingly, helped me out a lot the rest of the weekend. I didn't have to worry about it yesterday or today! I could focus on other things! :D  Like Chemistry. We have a test on Tuesday that I really need to study for. :(

Ah! The title! So. Since about 6:30 this evening, I've been typing up Psychology definitions. I've been at it for almost four hours with almost no break. This is my break. Wow. I need a life. Because what I'm typing are definitions, they aren't full sentences. This means that they're SENTENCE FRAGMENTS, as Microsoft Word so kindly tells me. Every second definition gets underlined with that squiggly green line because it's a SENTENCE FRAGMENT. WHY can't I figure out how to turn that off? (><)

... Other than that, everything is grand. Well, almost everything. Junior text me and said that his pump wasn't hooked up properly, and as a result he has high blood sugar. REALLY high blood sugar. Poor thing. :(

And on that sad note, I have to stop here. Four hours of typing really does your eyes in. Good night!

- Bre :)

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