Okay. Sadly, the title isn’t an exact quote from Britt, but it’s about as close as I can get it without having to go see her and anger her. So! Here is the anti-quote from Britt. This afternoon, Britt and I were getting ready to run some errands for Mom because she’s been sick, when Britt said this. I don’t know what was wrong with her, but she was dancing around and saying some VERY odd things while I was brushing my teeth. Then, she paused. When Britt pauses, you can expect her to say ANYTHING. So, she paused and said very thoughtfully (or something like this), “If you wear black and look big, then you’re just big.” That was it for me. I laughed so hard I thought toothpaste was going to go up my nose. That was hilarious and unpleasant at the same time.

As you can probably tell, this weekend has been odd. Mom’s been sick the past few days so I’ve been doing the housework and Britt has been taking care of the kids (to some extent). I’ve been to the store a couple of times to pick up some groceries, I’ve dropped off the kids at Nan and Pop’s, I’ve gotten gas for the truck. Holy cow. Britt and I went to the store today to pick up some stuff after visiting Nan and Pop. After that, we went home to drop off the groceries then went to Dad’s. I stayed for a bit then went to Junior’s. We studied Math this afternoon, haha. Other than all of that, I haven’t done that much. I’m going to study some more Math now soon because I love Math… I mean… Exams are coming up and I need to review. Yeah. That’s it.

Oh! Time for an exciting story regarding events that took place yesterday! When I woke up yesterday morning, I started on some housework. I did some laundry, some dishes, swept the kitchen, and cleaned the bathroom downstairs. While I was cleaning the bathroom, Nan showed up! Nan was up talking to Mom for a bit, then she left. I continued to clean the bathroom, like I would, and didn’t leave until Britt came down and said that Nan needed me. I was SO confused because Nan had left a few minutes previous. It turns out that she had only gone around the corner and up the road when her truck broke down! GASP! Up I got and put on some pants… That sounds horrible. I changed from my pajamas to my jeans and got in our truck with Nan. I drove her to her truck then went to get Pop. Pop had a tow hitch all ready when I got there, so he hopped in and we went to rescue Nan. When we arrived at our destination, Pop hopped out and started getting the tow hitch ready while I backed into the nearest driveway and turned around. I backed up to their truck and waited for instructions. Nan hopped in my truck and warmed up while Pop got their truck ready. When it was ready, Nan got into the driver’s seat of our truck and towed their truck (with Pop driving theirs) back to their house.  Then I went home.

And thus is the story of the broken down vehicle!

Oh, last thing. I installed Sims 3 on my computer again. WOOT. Junior came over to Dad’s last night while Britt and I were there, so he and I made me an account. He was such a wonderful help when I was making my Sim. As I said, he stares at me more than I stare at me, so he could make a better me Sim than I could.

Hehe. And on that note, good night !

-          Bre :)

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