As Junior said, we had our High School Halloween dance last night and it was great. Everyone in the gym was dancing near the speakers so, as one would expect, the music was really loud. My ears have been ringing since I walked out of the school. They’re ringing now and it’s simply maddening. Please... Stop.. The... Ringing...

Since starting high school, I haven’t really gone to many dances. Sure, I’ll go to the semi-formal one at Christmas (the Snowball) because it’s Christmas and I get to wear a dress, but other than that, I don’t go. The other day, after saying that I wasn’t sure if I was going to the Halloween dance last night, Nikita and Junior made a good point. It’s our last year, so we might as well go to all of the dances. I thought, "Well jeepers, Breanna. That’s so true," and I went. I’m really glad I did too. Loud pop music, bad dancers, awkward slow songs. Gosh, I love high school.

Today was slow. I woke up at 10:30 and when I walked up the stairs, Mom laughed and said that I looked hung-over. Naturally, I was too groggy to respond with a well though-out sentence, so it just emphasized her point, haha. I ate cereal and carrot cake for breakfast (ah, how I love that meal) then sat and watched some Scooby Doo. The new movie, Scooby Doo and the Curse of the Lake Monster came on Teletoon tonight! It was pretty darn good. I love Scooby Doo! Anybody with any love of the classics should love it.

This afternoon, Britt and I went to Junior’s and hung out with he and Scottie for a bit. Junior fed my Harvest Moon addiction by letting me play for an hour or so. Ah, Harvest Moon. How I love thee.

Oh! Britt has been asking about how to bring about a zombie apocalypse. If anyone knows, please, do tell.

And so. Here I am again, sitting alone in my room on a Saturday night, blogging and talking to Junior on MSN. Gosh, I need a hobby. Well, I’ve been reading Dracula for school and I’m really enjoying it. I’m about one fifth of the way through it now. It’s quite dark and creepy, so it makes for a lovely bedtime story. Reading Jonathan Harker’s journals sends shivers down my spine. Count Dracula, as Nikita would say, "is a pretty bad dude." (God love her!)

Anywho, that’s it for me. I’m going to go read some Dracula and have the crap scared out of me before I go to bed. Ah, what a life I lead. Good night to all!

- Bre :)

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