Now, I think that is a legitimate question. I didn’t know the answer so I was free to ask it. Mom and Thomas were talking about something and it just popped into my head. Is “I think I love you” an opinion? Or is it just a statement? I don’t really know. Sometimes, when you’re stating an opinion, you start off with “I think,” correct? When you say “I think I love you,” that really is more of a statement, isn’t it? But in saying that, you sound unsure of yourself. I suppose loving someone isn’t really an opinion? It just sounds like one.

Soooooooooo… I’ve had writer’s block for several days now. Between that paragraph (^) and this one, there was about fifteen minutes of silence. It really sucked. I’ve been having so much trouble writing it’s absolutely ridiculous. My speech was due today, as I might have mentioned before. If I didn’t, well, my speech was due today. I didn’t have to present, thank goodness! That would have been awful because I’m still not feeling great. Oh well. It doesn’t matter anyway.

Did anything exciting happen today? Well… Junior did better on his Math test than I did on mine. That was quite the blow to my pride, I tell you. We had to work the canteen today at lunch. Deejay, Nikita, Junior, and I all went there. It was hot dog day again. I can’t STAND those things. They’re absolutely repulsive. I know I used to eat them, but if I were to eat one now, I’d throw up. Anywho. Everything went well. We ended up making WAY too many hot dogs. The price was reduced from 1.50$ to 1$ shortly before the choir kids showed up. This sold a few of them. We tried to pawn off several hot dogs at a time (like 6 to a person) just to get rid of them all. In the end, Junior went out into the cafeteria to give out the remaining 25 or so for free. THAT was when people wanted them. Ick. They’re just so disgusting. I can’t believe we got hot dog day at the canteen. Pizza day? I can handle. Hot dog day? Ugh.

After school, I had to stay in to tutor someone new. Today was our second day. I quite like him! He seems like a really nice young man. When we were done around 4:30, I sat out in the lobby and waited for Junior. I thought it was only fair, considering the circumstances. He was done a little while later, and he, Sam and I all left. On the way to drop Sam off we played an alphabet game. I started with the letter “A” and said a word that began with this letter. Junior was next, and Sam went third. We continued playing this game until we arrived in Sam’s driveway. As Sam was getting out of the truck, Junior finished with “Z.” I can’t remember the word, though… Then Junior dropped me off at home.

He had dance tonight, so I haven’t been talking to him too much. I was talking to him earlier before I had to go to the store, and now I’m talking to him again. Exciting stuff, oui? Other than that, I haven’t been doing much at all. I pigged out on Skittles because they were just sitting there. In total, I think I ate about a full big pack of them. Gosh, I really need a life. :(

Oh yes! Before I end this, I’d just like to thank my Mom for occasionally reading our blog. Love you, Mom! :)    Good night!

-Bre :)

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