I sure hope not, because that’s pretty much all that I’m doing right now. Junior and the drama troupe had to perform their play tonight so I don’t expect to hear from him for quite a while… But here I am, waiting for him anyway. Gosh. I think I need a hobby.

Another crappy day today. Nothing much really happened because I didn’t go to school… Again. Mom and I went for breakfast and I was feeling so terrible that I just stayed home with her all day. I was at Nan and Pop’s while she was at an appointment and Nan said that she didn’t have time to make a cake for tonight so –


I volunteered to make it for her. I got so frustrated with it that it almost went in the garbage. Thanks to Mom, the cake was finished. It was actually okay. It was French vanilla with a lemon filling, and Dream Whip on top with a few cherries. Yum! Mom and I also did some running around.

Nikita came down after school today with her prom dress to see if Mom could fix it for her. It was a little too big. Mom did a couple of things (without really doing anything to the dress) and gave a couple of pointers on what to do so that the top doesn’t pook out. After Nikita left, Britt and I walked to meet Dad and we three went to his house. I left shortly after with the truck and went to Nan and Pop’s for supper because Uncle Wayne and Aunt Heartha were there. They came in from the island and are only here until Sunday, so I had to go see them at least once while they were here. Then! I went back to Dad’s and ate some freezies and watched tv and hung out with Dad and Britt. It was nice! Tonight, I visited Vlad right quick to get the Math assignment that I missed today. Now here I am.

Oh, we’re leaving at 1 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, so no blog until Sunday! I’m so sorry about all of these no-blog days and the lack of promised pictures. It has just been a busy few weeks, and the next couple of weeks are just as bad. Then, in June, we have exams so we’ll be busy again. We’ll try our hardest to post!

Okay, I have to go to bed now. I need to pack in the morning! Good night!

-Bre :)

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