I am in love. I have finally watched the Back to the Future trilogy. Mom, Thomas, Britt, Brooke, Bryton and I went on a road trip today. We had six hours of sitting in the truck with little to nothing to do. SO! We stuck on some movies. We chose Back to the Future. I had never watched them, so we seized the opportunity. I am in LOVE. They were just amazing! A classic. Well, multiple classics. Tonight’s title is from Part three of the trilogy. Doc Emmett L. Brown and Marty McFly were holding up a train (by the way, Britt is pretty much telling me what to write tonight... I’m afraid of her, so I listen) and that’s what they said when the conductor saw them. We laughed SO hard. Well, I did.

Because we were in the truck from 9:30 to 2:30 today, we had plenty of time to watch the movies. Between home and one town, we watched a movie and a half ("we" meaning Britt, Brooke, and I) and from there to where we are now, we watched the other movie and a half ("we" meaning Britt, Bryton and I). WAIT A MINUTE. I just did some Math and it doesn’t add up. The times that Britt and I just gave are only five hours apart. WHERE DID THE SIXTH HOUR GO?!

Listen. I don’t even know. I don’t know where I’m going with this.. And I had an hour and a half nap when we got in.

So, we got in safe and sound. I text Dad and Mandy, and Junior to let them know. We opened what Christmas gifts were left here, then just hung out. Britt, Brooke, Mum and I all tried to go to the store around 3 ish, but nothing was open! Except Tim Horton’s. Other than all of that, we haven’t really done much.

At the moment, Britt and I are on webcam with Scottie and Junior. I started talking to Junior shortly before 8 and it’s 10 o’clock now. I gave him a tour of the house and all that and he got to say hello to everyone. It was great! For the past goodness-knows-how-long, I’ve been in the basement with Britt in her room and we’ve been chatting with the guys. Scottie came over partway through the conversation. Now he’s playing CoD.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, Junior is being a creeper. He’s just staring at something on his screen and it looks like he’s staring at me. It’s quite unnerving. It kind of makes it difficult to write this... Britt isn’t helping me anymore, either! She turned on her computer and now she’s doing I don’t know what. Probably browsing the internet. Teehee. Junior just turned on his music. It’s cool because I can hear his as well as Britt’s.

OH GOSH, this is going NOWHERE. FAST. It think I need to stop this before I hurt myself. Junior thinks I should do one blog with me just whining about everything. Britt thinks that I could do it because I whine enough as it is. Psh. I don’t whine. It’s degrading. Good night all!

- Bre :)

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