Happy Belated Thankgiving, first of all! It's been a bad few days for posts so we didn't get to say it! I hope eveyone gained five pounds. :)

Just a quick recap: this weekend was a long weekend. It wasn't long enough. I finished several assignments, but not all of them. Poor Junior was stressed out. I THINK I babysat twice? But I don't really remember. The entire weekend felt hectic even though nothing really went on.

Because we had yesterday (Monday) off, today felt like Monday. It was AWFUL. Terrible! I kept thinking that I had school until 4:30, when in reality I was out at 2:30. Such confusion! On the plus side, I think I got everything done that needed to be done? Math assignment passed in, Chem question passed in, Chem lab passed in, Chem pre-lab passed in a day early, Physics question passed in, and English story read. Not too shabby. It's a good thing that I read the English story last night! Tony popped a quiz on us in today's class. Five questions - four multiple choice and a VERY short short answer - to see if we had actually read the story. I think I'll do okay?

Junior's been having a rough day. He got two tests back and had to pass in a bunch of stuff. He's been so stressed out! I haven't been able to help at all. SO! On the way home this evening (Britt and I picked up Dad's truck and brought it back to his house because he's out of town), I asked Mom to do through Tim Horton's drive thru to pick up something for Junior. I gave her the money and she got the stuff (that sounds awful!), then we went by the school so that I could put it in Junior's truck. He had a lab until 7:30. I know it didn't help him much, but I hope the thought made him feel a little better?

Oh yeah, after school today, I went to the optometrist. I've been having a lot of headaches lately and I wanted to know if it was because of my glasses perscription or the fluorescent lights at school. It turns out that my vision has changed only slightly in my right eye. This change is not enough to be giving me headaches. Great.

This evening has been grand! I watched Star Trek Voyager and drank some tea after supper. That was simply the best form of procrastination that I've found to date. Sadly, at the end of the show, it was the end of the show. That makes sense, right? I then had to do my Physics assignment. I got most of it done! I just have to ask about a couple of things tomorrow. After this I have to do my essay. . .

Okay, enough procrastination! I'll do my essay now.

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