Now, tonight's title comes from my dear grandmother. I stayed at Nan and Pop's house last night and, when I woke up this morning, we all ate breakfast together. Naturally. Pop had some bacon so Nan took a piece. She screwed up her face and said to his, "Lloyal, that's as salt as pickle." I laughed to kill myself. In our province, to "pickle" something means to preserve it in a solution of salt water. For example, salt beef. It's pretty much pickled beef. Best. Thing. Ever.

Sorry about my lack of blog last night... I was too tired and I wasn't feeling the best, so Junior said that he could do it. I had to work again last night at 5:30 but this time, Nan and Pop went up to help out in the kitchen! It was great. There were about 70 people to serve (for once, I really didn't like serving them.. It was weird! Like, they would talk about you behind your back) and two of us were serving. They vamoosed at about 8:30. Then the room was empty. Max (the guy "in charge") and them said that I was free to leave at about quarter to nine, so, I left.

I got some gas for Dad's truck, then went to Dad's to drop off the truck, then talked to Dad and them, then went to Junior's. I was really cheered up by it ! Gladdale, Jessica, and Scottie were already there. Once I was there, we all went to Tim's. I hopped in with Scottie, and Jessica, Gladdale, and Junior went in Junior's truck. We were only there a little while before Junior and I left to pick up David and Vlad. (See Junior's post for details, haha). By the time I got home, I was EXHAUSTED. So, I went to bed.

Today, I chilled out at Nan and Pop's all day. I woke up at about 10, had breakfast with Nan and Pop, then Junior came down around 1 ish. We made SO many cookies! I told Nan and Pop that they were free to stay around but they just went downstairs or somewhere else in the house. Junior and I had the kitchen pretty much to ourselves for almost 4 hours. It was great! Junior walked home around 5. I ate supper with Nan and Pop, then after a failed adventure to Mom's house, Dad and Mandy and Britt picked me up at Nan and Pop's around 7.

Then, we went around town looking at Christmas lights. Dad eventually had to go help someone move into their house, so we were over there for a while. I FINALLY arrived at Junior's at about 9:45. It's really slippery/slushy out tonight, so Dad told me to drive carefully. Gladdale, Scottie, and Junior were here. Oh yeah. I'm at Junior's at the moment, talking with the guys because Gladdale had to go home a little while ago.

Speaking of going home... I have to be home very soon. I told Dad that I'd be home by about 11 tonight. I guess this is .. The end. (O_O)

- Bre :)

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