Waldon here again! I forgot to mention last night that I had linked my Manga Magazine profile to here, and it seems that I've been getting a lot of hits from it! Thank you all so much!

Bre also linked from her photos on DeviantArt, (which were very popular, very quickly) and those probably added quite a few views as well! So thank all of you!

So! I finished uploading all of the CD's I found, and I've been listening to everything from Cake to Trooper, and Bob Dylan to 50 Cent. :P

I've just finished putting together a splash page for Manga Magazine . com, and it looks pretty neat. I don't know if too many people like the Little Dude pictures though... I love them. xD They're so simple, that I can focus on his surroundings and his environment without worrying about him, and it just makes me feel at peace with the picture.

This afternoon I went to the local Riffs and exchanged a too small pair of pants for a new hoodie and sweatshirt. They're really comfortable, so I think I got the better deal here.

Then I went over to the school, and hung out with Bre, Ryan and Eric the Math Guy for a couple hours. :P

Well, I must be off to study a little more/Review for English!

Good night all!

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