Waldon here. I had my math exam this morning.

It was unfortunate.

Also, Bre isn't posting tonight because she has ANOTHER exam tomorrow morning. After having 2 today. That's rough. Thank god I'm lazy and only did 3 exam courses. Math was my worst exam, easily. And I didn't even DO History yet. That tells you how hard my Math exam was. We started at about 9 am this morning. By 12 pm, I still had 4 long answer questions left. I ended up leaving out one question, and I'm praying that I get a 60% in total. It was harsh. I decided to answer B on every multiple choice that I didn't know.

I got a LOT of B's.

Anyway. I spent the afternoon at home, trying to get over my taxing ordeal from this morning. Bre was in school still, she had another exam. I think it was Francais? I don't know how to do the little accent thingy under the c. But she'll know what it is. :P It means French, anyway. For those people that don't understand French. I don't blame you. That stuff's hard to wrap your tongue around. Bre makes fun of my accent. I am the cave man of French people. xD

At around 4 45, I left the house to go pick Bre up from the school. It was a really rough evening out. The wind was blowing hard and it was snowing. I almost couldn't see when I was driving in a couple places. I could see my door almost opening a few times when the wind caught it. I really need to reattach that stupid rubber thing that fell off of it. I'm thinking it's important for the whole "Keeping my truck warm" idea.

Anyway. I spent the rest of the night sitting around at home, eating Cheetos and sketching. I got a few sketches out tonight, I think it's great. I haven't been able to sketch ANYTHING for the past week or so. Or at least, what I did sketch was crap.

You know what idea terrifies me? Or at least, keeps me entertained? Zombie poultry. How would you fight them? You wouldn't be able to! You kill a zombie by removing or crushing it's head. Chickens can live without their heads. We're screwed if they get bit. The only possibly way to eliminate them would be to crush them or burn them. . .

Wait. Zombie chickens give me an excuse to set potentially entire mobs of chickens on fire. I'm beginning to warm up to the idea. BAM! That was actually an unintentional pun, but I'll keep it anyway.

Well, I guess I'm done for the night. Good night everybody!

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