Waldon here, and if you don't know the title, hang your head in pop culture shame. :P I've got a headache tonight, so I'll see how far I can get with this, sorry if it's not very long.

This morning was a Delayed Opening, so I got to go down to Bre's house for a little while. That was fun. :) After that we went on to classes. I had Art Class first thing in the morning and I think that's my favorite way to start the day. I worked on a sketch I started last night of a fairy/pixie thing, and I think it's come out rather well.

After Art, I had World History where we discussed 0ur research papers that are due at the end of May and watched a little bit more of the movie about the life of Gandhi. He was an amazing man, but I've already talked about him in one of my previous posts, so I won't delve into that again, as much as I'd like to. :P

Then, because it was a Delayed Opening day, we went straight on into third period, which just so happened to be Music. Music is another of my good courses this year. I play Tenor Sax in the band segment and my own Harmonica when I get the chance. We were playing Band all class, but near the end I was losing air out of the Sax from somewhere and I wasn't getting much noise. I think it may be an air flow problem from my mouthing maybe? :S I hope I haven't broken a valve or something. That would suck.

Next was lunch. Lunch is great, Bre and I always go to the Math Help Centre. Today I was debating the equal importance of English as a course as Math with Sam. Sure, Math is the "Universal Language", but you really can't SAY anything with it. It's important, yes. I'm not denying that. Losing your mathematical skills is stupid, they're the fundamentals for everything involving science and engineering. But the course itself and having an understanding of the language we speak is just as important. The course inspires critical thinking and improves your grammar and eloquence. Which are things that can easily help you in communication with everybody else and in the workplace. Don't undervalue that. You can understand as much theory as you want. But if you're a jerk because you talk like your opinion is better than somebody's without trying, nobody cares if you can find 'x' a billion different ways. :P

After lunch I had English class, oddly enough, and I spent the period doodling while listening to our reading of "Catcher In The Rye". That was over soon enough. xD

Last it was Nutrition class. Where all the jerks in school go to get an easy credit and some food. I really dislike my class. My old Nutrition class was GREAT. I loved it. But this class makes me want to punch people. Let's not talk about that class overmuch.

After school I had to go to a meeting with two of the young girls that are going to be in the children's dance show with myself and a member of my troupe as entertainment between the dances. Because admit it, if it's not your kid on stage, those dances are... mediocre. Now, if that's YOUR kid on stage, that show was better than anything you've ever seen before. No. You're not biased. ;)

Bre decided not to get a ride home with me today, so it was a lonely ride home. I HATE driving home alone. There's really no rational reasoning behind it, but there you go. It depresses me. I don't mind going home alone if I've dropped somebody off, or if I'm leaving somebody's house or whatever. But if I've just gone from point A to point B without seeing anybody? Like, going to the gym or driving to the store? Nah. That makes me sad. I don't like that at all. xD

Now, oddly, I don't mind it at all if I'm walking or biking. But if I'm driving a truck or a car? After I get to my destination, I'm ready to just curl up in a corner somewhere. :P

So, after my drive home I ate supper and sat down. There I remained for the rest of the night. I've been playing games all night and haven't done much else, sadly. Gunner didn't even want to go for a walk, and I can't blame him: His legs are hurting him. :(

And so I'm done. I suppose I did okay with this blog?
Good night everybody!

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