If I left the blog tonight with only this title, it would be complete because of the simple fact that Harry Potter is indeed awesome. Last summer, I began re-reading the Harry Potter series but, due to a series of unfortunate events *coughSCHOOLcough*, I was unable to finish reading all seven books. I was able to read the first three and start reading the fourth in the first three weeks of August. When I came back from my holiday, I didn’t have much time to read because I had to work the last week and a half before school. When school started, we got piled high with work, so I was unable to continue reading. Poor excuses, I know, but they’re valid! Honest!

I am VERY glad to say that I once again picked up the Goblet of Fire this past Friday and started reading from where I left off. I’m on page 264! I didn’t read any today, sadly. Right now, in the book, (close your eyes if you haven’t read it yet) Harry has been chosen as the second Hogwarts champion in the Triwizard Tournament, and is on his way to a photo shoot for the Daily Prophet. He had to leave Potions (thank goodness) and Snape wasn’t too pleased. If memory serves me correctly, Harry is going to meet Rita Skeeter soon…? But I can’t rightly remember.

Speaking of Harry Potter… How many of us were disappointed after reading the Philosopher’s Stone and expected our letter to Hogwarts, telling us that we were a witch/wizard? I know I sure was. Sadly, it was around my eleventh birthday that I read the book. When I didn’t get my letter, I was so incredibly depressed! I knew that it would never come because Harry Potter is a work of fiction (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) and, therefore, not real, but I still had that bit of hope. Russell and Vanessa were also very disappointed that their letter didn’t come. I think we’ve all convinced ourselves that they just got lost in the mail on their way over from Hogwarts. Sigh… Oh well. Our high school is okay…

So! Today. Umm… What have I done? I slept over to Nan and Pop’s last night! Yay! When I woke up this morning, I went downstairs and sat around with them from 9:30 (or so) until about 11:30 (or so). After my shower, I got some dinner. Nan and I sat down and ate cheese and crackers. I ate about a half a block of cheese, so I’m expecting to be stomach sick tomorrow. Nan was eating cream cheese with Worcestershire sauce. Isn’t that a terrific word? Worcestershire. Woooooorcestershire. Really, just say it. Oh… Right. Pop had already eaten, so I’m going to say that I ate his share of cheese too.

I was going to try to go to the store with Junior, but he was already out with Scottie so my plan was foiled. But Scottie and Junior came by to get me shortly after two! Junior and I left Nan and Pop’s and walked to his house, while Scottie went to get Jessica to give her a ride. Unfortunately, it was very cold today. Less than -25 degrees Celsius, I believe, but I’m not entirely sure. The wind chill was awfully cold, I know that much because we were walking against the wind most of the time.

OHNO, I lied! I DID read some Harry Potter today. Oh, please forgive me! I read some of it today at Junior’s. It was awesome! Scottie played some CoD, Junior was on his Mac, and I read Harry Potter. Oh, what fun. Mom and the kids came home today, so we all had supper at Nan and Pop’s house. We had turkey. I LOVE turkey.

Tonight, I cleaned my room. I have bi-annual Clean-My-Room-Days. I’m glad of it. It’s… Rough, to say the least. I was at it for about an hour and a half and I only got my floor swept and my dresser cleaned. Mmhmm. Junior’s going to help clean my shelves sometime soon. I hope.

ARGH! School tomorrow. I have to go to bed… Good night !

-Bre :)

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