Couplets again?
My words are not plain.

Today was quite fun
a veritable gauntlet was run.

I started at 7 30 this morning
A back pain gave me warning,

That something was amiss,
Inside my spine, it seems, was not bliss.

So no gym trip for that sore-backed me,
I thought with freedom, I had no hurry!

But by One PM you see,
My Pre lab was due and I lacked esprit.

This duo's classes were cancelled for charity in town,
but we had made time instead for us, we're too worn down!

By twelve o clock, my time had run amok,
I had hopped in my truck

and began the drive to pick Bre up at Bre's.
Where then we drove our laboratory reprise.

Dinner was had,
and I got Bre mad.

But then smiled and we were happy again,
and to my house we went, not difficult to ascertain.

A lab was had at half past four,
and by seven I cried, "No more! No more!"

My night was done, you might have been told,
And it would have been right, I was ready to fold.

So supper was finished by eight thirty,
Bre was dropped off, just before, you see.

Now the blog is being written, rather shoddily.
can you tell that this was written by me?

I'll see if Bre will be willing to talk on the phone,
Because it is lonely when I'm alone at home

Waldon was here, and now he is not,
Good night says he, he's off like a shot!

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