Waldon here, and here's the second half to that post I promised this morning! I have good news! I got an 84% on my English essay and I found two of my System of a Down CD's! It's great! : D

If you didn't know, the title is from "Revenga" by SOAD by the way. :P

Today was another school day, sadly. It seems that lately, school is taking up all of my time. Like, all of it. I'm usually doing homework until about 1 in the morning, and then I'm trying to fall asleep for at least another hour or two. But! I did manage to get my English essay (Not the one I got the mark for) done during my three hour break this afternoon! : D I love it. Friday is my one day with a more than one hour break. :P Bre and I only have one lunch break together, and that's on Friday. :( I usually spend lunch by myself. Actually, I spend most breaks by myself. Man, that's depressing. And lonely. :P

I spent this evening at Bre's house with her while she watched her brother and sister. She's always giving up her nights to do that for her mom, cause she's nice like that. :) I wouldn't have the patience for it, personally. xD I tend to be an authoritarian whenever I'm in charge. :P Either it's my way, or the punch-in-the-larynx way. xD Anyways, we watched a couple movies, "Gnomeo and Juliet", and "Megamind". :P I liked them both, actually. Megamind made me laugh out loud a few times. There's enough subtle jokes for it to appeal to an older audience, and enough rock that I can listen to it without cringing after the third generic pop insert. :P

So, I just looked at the date at this post and I was seriously confused. Because I knew I had posted that last post this morning, but somehow it was all of a sudden a day later! Like, how? Did I lose track of an entire day somewhere?  After a minute or two of panic, I realized something very basic; it is past midnight. Now, it's not often I make a mistake like that. I tend to be the that's so grounded in reality that everything is just incredibly silly. I've gotten so serious that I've crossed back over into silly. I'm just that cool. :P

Well, I guess I'll go to bed. I'm too hungry to stay up much longer. xD Good night all! :D

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