All righty then! I haven't written anything for a while because I'm an awfully lazy person who can find an excuse for anything. Lucky for me, Junior picks up the slack. I've been freaking out about my exams (as I've mentioned, I have six while Junior has but three) the past few days and, until this coming Thursday, I will continue to freak out about them. FIVE LEFT. I'm pumped.

So, what has happened over the past few days? Well, I've been at Junior's a bunch for several reasons... More like two: studying, and just hanging out. All kinds of fun stuff! Oh, a major thing that happened was the English exam we had yesterday. I must warn you, if I make no sense with what I'm saying tonight, it's because of that exam. SEE?! I can't even make sense of that last sentence. I need some serious help... Anywho, the exam was okay. It wasn't brutal, but it wasn't easy. It started at about 9 am and I didn't leave until 12:35 or so. Poor ol' Junior was waiting for me in the lobby for about an hour before I left. We were going to hang out, so he just sat down and I think he had a nap. Very productive hour!

When we left the school, he brought me to the college for me to apply. I spent a half an hour talking to the lady in there - who I didn't even know - and I didn't realize how long I'd been until I got out. Then, we went to the store for Mom and went to the house. Once there, I did some laundry and, soon after, Mom got home. We helped her pack and she left. We decided to go to A&W for a late lunch (at 3!). Britt called to ask me something, then asked to tag along. OF COURSE SHE COULD.  I LOVE HER. So, we got Britt and went to A&W. While there, we saw Scottie and Mitchell. It was awesome. And finally, last night I went to Junior's for a while. Aaaaaaaaas usual.

It was this morning that I learned Britt has me completely whipped. (Well, yesterday she was looking at her drink. I asked her what was wrong. She said she needed a straw. I got up and got her a straw. No. Questions. Asked.) I woke up at about 10 this morning and this was mine and Britt's conversation:

Me: Brittany!
Britt: What?
Me: What are you making me for breakfast?!
Britt: Get it yourself.

And so, I stayed in bed for a bit longer because I knew I wouldn't be getting any breakfast. When I went out to the kitchen, I made HER some breakfast. After that, I got ready for the day. While I was in the shower, Britt did some cleaning. When I got out of the shower, Britt and I shovelled the driveway. It is FINALLY beginning to look a lot like winter. The temperature has dropped below -30 and we've gotten snow. The happiest part of my day was shovelling that driveway. Junior came over to get us because we didn't have a ride to get Dad's truck and we had errands to run. (Where Mom is gone, we're EVERYWHERE. We were at Dad's last night and again tonight! :D) So, Junior came over and helped with the rest of the driveway and brought us to the truck. Britt and I went to Mom's, Nan's, and back to Dad's. Then we picked up Junior and went to the grocery store.

Tonight, Britt and I decided to make supper. IT WAS GREAT. I studied Math for a while, then Junior came over and WE studied Math for a while, then Scottie came over and... Watched us study Math, haha. Britt, Dad, and Mandy watched Red Dragon while we three sat at the kitchen table. The guys left a while ago, so I'll just go to bed when I'm done this.

Aaaaaaaand, I think I'm done. Good night !

- Bre :)

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