Waldon here, and tonight's title comes from none other than our very own wonderful Bre. :P I just asked her what the title should be, and she replied with that wonderfully obscure and esoteric title. Esoteric being the word of the day. Go look it up!

I should probably explain why it's funny, shouldn't I? :P You see, one of our lab instructors is from Lebanon, and he's just the right blend of Creepy, Awkward, Helpful and Foreign. Needless to say, he's one of my favorite teachers. Possibly THE favorite. :P He's been living in North America for over 20 years now. The first two decades in Texas, where he learned Spanish as well as English. He also knows French and Arabic, because Arabic is his native tongue and he did French in school. :P So, of course his speech mannerisms are kind of... odd. xD My favorite saying from his is "As sure as the sun will be in the sky...." Meaning, "Of course it's going to happen/It's almost certain/It's going to be, etc...." It just sounds so epic. Just say it sometime in conversation, and you'll feel like you're saying something out of an old storybook. :P

School has been killer the past few weeks. You might have been able to tell from the sporadic update schedule. In fact, I'm falling asleep as I write this. But Bre has been worried about me the past few days, I know, so I want to try to stay up for a little longer so that she doesn't worry as much. If I ever go to bed before 11, people tend to get nervous. With my recent heart issue, I've been monitored around the clock. Hopefully it won't happen again, but I'll admit the attention is nice. ;)

(P.S. I'm not faking a heart condition, FYI. That was a joke. Please don't think I'm that horrible of a person)

Now, I think I have to find something to do other than work for a little bit. I've got to ask Rami about my Bio writeups due Friday tomorrow, so I'll get those both finished tomorrow. Tonight I think I'll work on some poetry that isn't lame couplets. :P

Good night all!

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