Waldon here. I'd like to announce that I only have one day left (and that day officially started 11 minutes ago! :o ) before I have to go back to work. I think I'll be putting in my two weeks notice for the end of the summer soon. After the next two weeks is up, I'll be going back to school again!

So, today I officially did NOTHING. Bre and I went to the Drug Store to pick her out some hair dye. I got some dinner, she dyed her hair. It's still dark right now, but it'll change color soon after she washes it a few times. :P

After I ate dinner... Yeah, that's pretty much it. I watched TV and listened to Apocalyptica. I lead such an exciting life, aren't you all jealous? xD

Seriously though. It's so early in the morning right now while I'm writing this because I didn't know what to write earlier. I'll mention that I got a bunch of new witty T Shirts and Dungeon Siege III from Mom after her trip. They're pretty awesome.

And I guess I'm done! I'm exhausted. :P Good night All!

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