In a world where so many people wear Aviators, Wayfarers are underappreciated. This is why only the cool people wear them. While both types of sunglasses are made by the same brand, Ray Ban, they are completely different. Just look them up if you don’t believe me. When I think of Aviators, I think of pilots (hence the name AVIATORS) or Italians. I can picture someone with a popped collar and a pair of Aviators on their face drinking at a club, piloting a plane, or driving a Ferrari. Now, Wayfarers on the other hand, I can picture at a concert. Everybody chilling out with their drinks and rocking out to some band on stage. Or at a coffee shop. Below it the picture of Junior and I that I’m supposed to print off for him (Junior, I’m working on it. When I find some picture paper, you’ll have a copy)! As you can see, I love my Wayfarers. Russell has a pair of Aviators.. Silly boy.

Yes, I realize that I’m stereotyping a bit, but oh well. That’s just what’s on my mind at the moment.

As Junior mentioned in his last post, I had to work last night. (By the way, I’m totally jealous of he and Robyn. It sounds like they had a great night)! I got there around 6:20 and didn’t leave until 10:45 or so? We weren’t too long last night. There were a few of us in the kitchen, so it was smooth running. It was the other girl’s, Natasha, first night ever working there, so I had to kind of tell her what to do. She was wonderful! We had about 45 minutes to do nothing before the party started and we had to serve anything, so we just chatted. At about 8, we started serving the meal and didn’t stop until 10:30. Well, we had a short break to eat, but that’s about it. While people were making speeches or something out in the hall, we were in the kitchen helping with the dishes. Needless to say, we were both exhausted by the end of the night. It was pretty much only because we were running around for so long non-stop.

I got home around 11, talked to Daniel on MSN for a bit, then messaged Junior and went to bed. I could hardly sit up straight by then!

I have also been trying to work at my research paper since yesterday, and it hasn’t been working out too well. At the moment, I have some research done, but not all. It’s due at the end of the week, so I’ll most definitely get it done. At around 2 ish, my Dad picked up Britt and I, and we went up to Dad’s until 7. Well, at about 3:30 I went to Junior’s and he was helping me with my paper. He helped so much! Many thanks to him. (^^) Dad let me take the truck over, thank goodness. Dad is only slightly further away than Scottie is from Junior’s, but I was so cold that I don’t think I would have made it halfway without freezing this afternoon. In the five minutes that I was outside, I shivered so much that I got a cramp in my leg. Now, explain THAT.

WHY is it so easy for me to write this blog when I can’t even write my research paper? I have almost six hundred words written now, and I’ve only been at it for about fifteen minutes (give or take a couple). Maybe it’s because I don’t have a set topic, and I’m writing whatever comes to my head? Yeah. That sounds right.

Anywho! Speaking of my research paper, I should research some more. ARGH. Good night all!

- Bre :)

P.S. Oh yeah! I think I have to work again this Friday and Saturday. Go me!


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