Ah, oui. Hot dogs. How I hate them. Naturally, every Tuesday, in the canteen, that’s exactly what we have to make. Hot dogs. Subs and sandwiches? I can sell that. Soup and chili? Love the stuff. Now, hot dogs, on the other hand, I can’t stand. There’s just something about eating them that just grosses me out. The fact that I don’t know what is put in them is a scary one. Beef and/or pork and/or chicken and/or platypus. Nope, that’s not going to fly with me. I like knowing what I eat! Like berries! Love them! Anywho… That isn’t my story. I was going to explain the title.

Today, at the canteen, we served hot dogs. As usual, the junior high students were a bunch of savages and crowded the canteen window. We’re lucky that many of them are polite. Not all, mind you, but many. Maybe not even half… But many. At one point during lunch, Deejay had to put more hot dogs on because we had run out and would need more. Ms. Edmunds came up in that time and asked if she could buy a couple and have them delivered to her in the junior high wing where she was on duty. We laughed, and I agreed to go down with them when they were ready. Five minutes later, I brought them down to her. She was so pumped! I absolutely loved it. Ms. Edmunds is amazing. Today in Religion class, we were talking about a crazy elite school in Halifax, Nova Scotia that had an incredible curriculum (shall I say?). Their art program was great, they put a great deal of focus on academics, and every morning, they meditate before they start their day. Now, this DOES have something to do with Religion. It is the Shambhala School (something to do with Buddhism, but, unfortunately, I can’t remember what!). Look it up on Google. The tuition is a decent price, too, for what students get from their time there.

I haven’t really done much today. Religion, Pre-Cal, Math, Canteen, French, Chemistry. I did my homework after school… I had supper at Nan and Pop’s… I picked Mom up from work… Aaahhh… I made really crappy cookies about an hour and a half ago. Jeepers, they’re bad. I used too much butter. That’s actually a funny thought because I had run out of butter and I hadn’t used enough, so I had to run to the store. Went to the store, got the butter, came home, used too much. Gosh. Not my night. Oh well. I’m sure SOMEONE will like them?

ACK! I forgot an important part of my day! GASP. Okay. While looking around for flour, I cut myself on the saran wrap cutter. We have one on the underside of the cabinet, so when I reached in to get the jar of flour, my hand grazed the sharp edge and cut me. It hurt SO bad! I should have put some Polysporin on it… Oh well. I’ll survive… I hope. (O-o)

Before I fall asleep on my keyboard, I’m going to bed.  Oh, p.s. This is usually posted after 5 pm Atlantic time, or 4 hours before London, England (ex. 5pm here, 9pm in London). Just throwing that out there. Good night!

-Bre :)

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